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Programing X-10 in seconds not just in minutes
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Post 1 made on Tuesday February 24, 2004 at 17:43
Lurking Member
February 2004
I'm writing to find out if anyone knows of software that can program an X-10 controller in seconds instead of minutes. (I have Windows 2000 and a model P290 Home Control Interface)

I am using X-10 controllers to automate ons and offs in a tropical fish hatchery. The problem is that you can only program an on or off in increments of one minute. I recently purchased an automatic feeder that would feed too much food if I left it on for a full minute. Does anyone know of software that can program the CP290 to send on and off signals seconds apart?

Please respond if you at least know that it does or does not exist. If so, where can I find it? Thank you

This message was edited by jm20896 on 02/25/04 16:13.
Post 2 made on Wednesday February 25, 2004 at 08:15
Senior Member
September 2002
X10 may be too crude to do what you want. Look into using HomeSeer and a gameport adaptor-relay setup.
Go here for the HomeSeer Message Board:

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