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X-10 Control On Cisco IP Phones
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Post 1 made on Saturday February 21, 2004 at 20:21
Lurking Member
February 2004
I am considering tackling a project that will test my limited knowlege of programming. Before I delve into unfamiliar territory, I'd like to shout out & see if anyone has suggestions on how/what I should use to do this.
I have a new house with all X-10 (Switchlinc) controlled lighting, HAI Omnipro Security system, and AMX Axcess to control misc stuff. I also have a Cisco IP phone system & thought the nice big screen would be great to perform auctomation control. I know the phones support applicaitons like this utilizing JavaScript/XML. My ideal setup would be to have my web server connect to my HAI panel via serial port & Omnilink. I don't want to reinvent the wheel, is there anything out there that does this or parts of it? Thanks in advance for any input.

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