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Socket rockets stopped working
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Topic: | Socket rockets stopped working This thread has 4 replies. Displaying all posts. |
Post 1 made on Sunday December 7, 2003 at 19:10 |
jedgeco Founding Member |
Joined: Posts: | January 2002 7 |
I have three track lamps that I put X-10 "socket rocket" lamp modules in to control the lights. I've had them for about 2 weeks and everything's been fine, but then I tried to turn them on today and nothing happened. So I took one of the X-10 module out and tried it in another lamp and it worked fine. Then I put it back into the lamp it was in before and it didn't work again.
Anybody ever had this happen? Anyone know what to do?
Post 2 made on Sunday December 7, 2003 at 23:15 |
Larry Fine Loyal Member |
Joined: Posts: | August 2001 5,002 |
Check the obvious: try the bulb in another fixture, try another bulb in the track, try a bulb in the track without the X-10 device, etc. Process of elimination. Larry www.fineelectricco.com
Post 3 made on Monday December 8, 2003 at 06:46 |
ONEAC Senior Member |
Joined: Posts: | September 2002 1,059 |
Sometimes, especially when used upside down, the 'glue' that is used to hold the parts together will soften and run. Look closly at the 'rocket and the 'socket to see if parts have shifted or for excess glue buildup.
Post 4 made on Monday December 8, 2003 at 20:27 |
galileo01 Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | November 2002 236 |
Is there a switch controlling the track that may have been turned off?
Scott Harris |
OP | Post 5 made on Thursday December 11, 2003 at 16:29 |
jedgeco Founding Member |
Joined: Posts: | January 2002 7 |
Yeah, bulbs good, switches on and everything. I never did figure it out, but it's a moot point now as I took them all back to Lowe's (where I had overpaid anyway - stupid impulse buys) and got a full refund. I figured that for what I was paying for five socket modules, it was much better economics to just buy a Switchlink wall switch. Should have figured that out in the first place....
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