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Topic: | Setting up scenes This thread has 7 replies. Displaying all posts. |
Post 1 made on Sunday November 9, 2003 at 13:07 |
Clocknut Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | November 2003 34 |
Let me begin by saying that this is my first venture into X10. I just bought three LampLinc modules, an IR543, and a PHC02 Maxi Controller (that I bought from Bill at www.homeautomationnet.com). I want to learn how to set up scenes so I can dim the lights while watching a DVD. Page six, step 1 of the LampLinc manual says to send a clear sequence of O16, N16, M16, P16, M16. I’m assuming this is done through the Maxi Controller by turning the little wheel to “O” and then hitting the 16 button? Assuming the previous steps are done that way and then setting a scene address how do I activate the scene? I’m using a MX-500 remote and learned how to control the lamps reading other posts found here. Can I activate the scene with my remote or do I have to use the Maxi Controller? Thanks, Carter
Post 2 made on Sunday November 9, 2003 at 13:34 |
RWI Founding Member |
Joined: Posts: | December 2001 592 |
You can dim the lights now by using your remote control and the ir543, usually the volume buttons will do this. A scene will remember 1 or more lights and bring them to a programmed brightness, all by sending 1 code from the remote.
You are correct about how to set up the scene using the maxi controller, after the clear sequence, you set each light to the desired brightness, then from the maxi controller send M16, N16, O16, P16, then send a new address which will be the scene address. When this is complete, anytime you send the scene address, the light(s) will adjust as you set them up. You should find all this in the manual.
Post 3 made on Sunday November 9, 2003 at 16:48 |
Larry in TN Founding Member |
Joined: Posts: | July 2001 669 |
Just to be clear, you trigger a scene by turning on it's scene address. i.e. if the scene address is B1 then you'd send B1 Bon to trigger the scene.
OP | Post 4 made on Sunday November 9, 2003 at 17:41 |
Clocknut Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | November 2003 34 |
Thanks for your help! It seems to be working just fine. Now I'm looking for other lights around the house to automate. I'm hooked!!
Post 5 made on Sunday November 30, 2003 at 12:50 |
mdacosta Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | February 2003 29 |
One question about this. I have set up some scenes using the above information and similar equipment (X10 Maxi Controller). The scenes work great, except for one thing -- I send the scene number (say A6) and then the ON command. After, the next command is ignored (say All Off). Is there a reason for this?
I ended up having to program the macro as A6, ON, ALL OFF. Again, note that the ALL OFF is ignored (doesn't matter if I use the maxi controller or the remote). Subsequent commands work fine after the macro is sent. Basically, I would like to eliminate having to send the All OFF command. Any ideas?
Post 6 made on Sunday November 30, 2003 at 15:30 |
Larry in TN Founding Member |
Joined: Posts: | July 2001 669 |
There are two "all off" commands. All lights off and all units off. Some modules won't respond to all lights off, many scene-capable receivers have this as a programmable option.
The all lights/units off commands are house-code specific. If they are sent on the module's primary address house code then the module should respond. I'm not sure if the behavior of an all ___ off command on a scene address housecode is standardized between different brands/models. It doesn't sound like it reponds on the receivers that you are using.
Post 7 made on Sunday November 30, 2003 at 19:40 |
mdacosta Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | February 2003 29 |
The problem is not with the All Off command. After I send A6 and then ON, then ANY command that is sent next is ignored. But it only ignores the very next command. After that, everything works fine again -- that is until I run another scene.
Is there something I need to do when programming a scene in order to prevent this?
Post 8 made on Tuesday December 2, 2003 at 01:58 |
AutomatedOutlet Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | November 2003 215 |
Have you considered getting a software package that would help with all of your secene controls? I use all 2-way switches with scene controls in my how too but I automate them with HomeSeer. It really makes life a lot easier. Martin www.AutomatedOutlet.com
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