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Replacement remote for Sony STR-DN1000
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Post 1 made on Tuesday November 14, 2023 at 07:53
Junior Member
November 2023
Hello all,
I picked up this Sony to update / retire a 90's era JVC receiver that didn't have HDMI. I Ordered a remote that was supposed to be a direct replacement for the RM-AAP040 that was missing. The remote I was sent is a RM-AAU019.
Certain functions are non responsive, I can't get the GUI up, or the speaker cal to save. Volume, and inputs do switch ok,

Am I wasting my time trying to make this remote work, or is there a better remote ?

Post 2 made on Tuesday November 14, 2023 at 21:58
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
Did the remote you buy look like this = [Link:]

Because that is the original remote that will work all the functions.

The only other option if you can't find an exact replacement, is to buy an old Harmony remote that you can program all the original buttons to.

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