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WNY market; WNYO & WUTV testing ATSC 3
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Post 1 made on Friday February 26, 2021 at 01:38
Long Time Member
March 2005
2/26 at 1230am WUTV & WNYO were testing ATSC 3.
I thought both were off the air until I saw the "Mode not supported" message on the black screen.
Years from now, you might as well kiss recording OTA TV goodbye thanks to ATSC 3
Post 2 made on Friday March 5, 2021 at 18:26
Long Time Member
April 2007
Don't you just need a TV with 4K capability? If I was a broadcaster I wouldn't be investing in ATSC 3.0 for just five years.
Post 3 made on Thursday March 25, 2021 at 01:21
Bruce H.Campbell
Long Time Member
January 2007
On February 26, 2021 at 01:38, videobruce said...
2/26 at 1230am WUTV & WNYO were testing ATSC 3.
I thought both were off the air until I saw the "Mode not supported" message on the black screen.

Well, too broke right now to get new tuners, need other hardware first, but the current crop of 4K TVs may get the streaming, but unless your manual says so, don't expect to be able to tune OTA.

Will have to go through the STB routine again.
When it does happen, my legacy tuners will be bricks then.

OP | Post 4 made on Tuesday April 27, 2021 at 07:22
Long Time Member
March 2005
On March 5, 2021 at 18:26, keaster2000 said...
Don't you just need a TV with 4K capability? If I was a broadcaster I wouldn't be investing in ATSC 3.0 for just five years.

Short answer; no, the resolution of the display doesn't address what receives the signal, the tuner. if it isn't a ATSC3 tuner it will only be in 720p or 1080i and that is a very compressed version of both except for (probably) live sports broadcasts.
Years from now, you might as well kiss recording OTA TV goodbye thanks to ATSC 3

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