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very poor signal reception for channel 2 wgrz buffalo nbc station
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Post 1 made on Wednesday July 20, 2016 at 01:33
Lurking Member
July 2016
can anyone please give direction on how to point an antenna for channel 2.1 buffalo nbc station i have tried towards south wales towers no good grand island nothing and amp on antenna to avail nothing tried from the antenna to the tv and singal strength at 5pm was ok at 73% and now at 1 am nothing but tiling pixelation. What to do? please advise thanks do I need a digital signal finder unit? one in michigan digiair pro? new line new wire ground and she comes in and out 3 panasonic tvs and one sony tv all hdtvs what is wrong I know they are transmitting at 480 000 KW low I get everthing else I only want buffalo sttations and do care for canadian content what do next? Please advise thanks

Francesco Romeo
francesco romeo
Post 2 made on Wednesday July 20, 2016 at 08:10
Long Time Member
February 2016
On July 20, 2016 at 01:33, DJVinyl70 said...
can anyone please give direction on how to point an antenna for channel 2.1 buffalo nbc station i have tried towards south wales towers no good grand island nothing and amp on antenna to avail nothing tried from the antenna to the tv and singal strength at 5pm was ok at 73% and now at 1 am nothing but tiling pixelation. What to do? please advise thanks do I need a digital signal finder unit? one in michigan digiair pro? new line new wire ground and she comes in and out 3 panasonic tvs and one sony tv all hdtvs what is wrong I know they are transmitting at 480 000 KW low I get everthing else I only want buffalo sttations and do care for canadian content what do next? Please advise thanks

Francesco Romeo

Hi, you haven't indicated where your located as that makes a difference as to distance. One thing I have found is that you will need to get the antenna at a good height if your not in located in Toronto. I live in Brampton so in order for me to get WGRZ I have in on my roof on a 10 foot pole. You can also check the to see what your limits are to what you can get.
OP | Post 3 made on Thursday July 21, 2016 at 14:48
Lurking Member
July 2016
hi im in niagara falls ontario canada my antenna is on 35 foot tv antenna tower. facing towards south wales towers for channel 33 wgrz tv 2.1 in out reception.
francesco romeo
Post 4 made on Thursday July 21, 2016 at 17:56
Long Time Member
February 2016
Then you should have no problem receiving it. Perhaps it could be your Pre-amp. Not sure if your have one installed, sometimes to go bad, Also to know that if your too close to the tower, the pre-amp maybe the problem as well, too much power can cause interference.
OP | Post 5 made on Wednesday July 27, 2016 at 12:25
Lurking Member
July 2016
So we took down the pre amp at 30db's and have no amp but install a 17db amp in side the house also repositioned antenna better south east still tilling bought dighti digiwave signal tv reception device and also an atentuator for channel 32 adjacent channel 33 channel 32 is wnlo at 100000kwh to lower its signal what does tv fool mean when then show light blue in my area where my tower is i live in mount carmel foxe dr and cardinal off of thorold st. rd. and our neightbour hoods have 6 cell phon e towers within a 2 km radius. from my house need filter for lte and 3g 4g also have channel master cm4228hd 8 bay antenna please advise thanks
francesco romeo
Post 6 made on Wednesday July 27, 2016 at 16:06
Long Time Member
February 2016
The first section of the TV fool report which is light in color means that those stations can be picked up with a simple indoor or outdoor antenna, anything after that requires special setups. If you need more help into other issues, there is a forum called Digital Home forum [Link:], lots of answers to your questions can be answered there and very knowledgeable people.
OP | Post 7 made on Monday August 15, 2016 at 00:40
Lurking Member
July 2016
ok thanks I think I may have solved the problem : the light blue I have asked many times on tv fool dot com what the light blue means in north niagara falls canada and no one responsed so I called to wgrz and contact tin lee electronics in to and I think with help from channel master in Arizona I need to install the amp 17db and internal cell phone 3g 4g and lte blocker and will have solved problem and amp needs to go up to atenna tower near antenna cm 4228hd so lets seee what happens thanks keep on posting thanks. frank
francesco romeo
Post 8 made on Wednesday August 31, 2016 at 10:45
George Morley
Lurking Member
August 2016
Hi Francesco,just curious as to how you made out with your problem.
Post 9 made on Saturday May 20, 2017 at 11:14
Long Time Member
July 2014
I can't get it either at all. I used to be able to but I moved now I don't get it at all.
Post 10 made on Tuesday October 24, 2017 at 10:24
Lurking Member
November 2005
WGRZ was always unstable for me, 1 minute it works well, and disappears the next.

Last night I was watching Set Meyer, and at 1:00 AM, lost the signal completely, as if someone pulled the plug. This morning it is showing strong signal.

Is there maintenance work going on ?
Post 11 made on Friday October 12, 2018 at 16:38
Lurking Member
October 2018
I know this is a little dated, but did anyway find an answer on this? I just installed an outdoor antenna, have an amp attached to get some Canadian stations, but I am also unable to get channel 2. I am receiving stations 360 degrees, some at further distances without any issues. For what ever reason I can not get wgrz channel 2 or any of the associated stations. Any help would be appreciated.
Post 12 made on Monday November 19, 2018 at 10:28
Lurking Member
November 2018
I'm in the same boat with WGRZ (Channel 2). I live on Grand Island (West of the Channel 29 tower) and have had a Mohu Sky 60 in my attic (pointing SSW) for several years. Very good signal for WNY stations, with only problem being some occasional dropouts and pixilation on WIVB (Channel 4) at sunup and sundown. Those have apparently cleared up, but over the past month WGRZ has gotten more more more spotty, to the point that now it has been several days since have had any reception at all on Channel 2.1, 2.2 etc. All other channels are great.

Anyone know if WGRZ has made any changes to its transmitter?
Post 13 made on Monday November 19, 2018 at 12:24
Long Time Member
April 2005
Have no issues with WGRZ Mississauga.You are likely having overload issues from WNLO on rf 32 from WNED tower.Try turning your antenna away from WNED tower.
Post 14 made on Wednesday April 17, 2019 at 15:33
Ernie Gilman
Yes, That Ernie!
December 2001
This is an obsolete thread but I have heard of a thing you would not expect and I wanted to share it.

On July 20, 2016 at 08:10, the-one said...
Hi, you haven't indicated where your located as that makes a difference as to distance.

COMPLETELY. Direction, too.
One thing I have found is that you will need to get the antenna at a good height if your not in located in Toronto. I live in Brampton so in order for me to get WGRZ I have in on my roof on a 10 foot pole.

You don't say whether you have tried a four foot pole, a six foot pole, an eight foot pole, or other heights on up to thirty or so feet. You're generalizing, and telling us what seems reasonable.


A guy I used to work for told me of his experience helping a customer receive a TV station out of Salt Lake City, some fifty miles from the customer's residence. He worked for the station and went to the customer's house with a van outfitted with receiving equipment and a crank-up mast.

The customer had an antenna up on a mast, I'll guess at about twenty feet.

When my friend got there, he determined the direction to aim the antenna and cranked it up to something like thirty feet. Reception was crap. He just was not going to get signal out there.

The two of them talked while he started to put things away. My friend lowered the antenna without turning the equipment off, and lo and behold, at about ten feet off the ground he got HUGE signal level!

This, too, can happen. It was in analog days, and I don't know whether the signal was VHF or UHF, but it shows that you have to check things in the real world.
A good answer is easier with a clear question giving the make and model of everything.
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