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Echostar 6000 and JVC D-VHS receiver
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Post 1 made on Wednesday December 12, 2001 at 18:05
Founding Member
December 2001
I recently purchased an Echostar 6000 receiver so that I could decode HD for my Sony KV36XBR450. I had been using the JVC D-VHS VCR/Dish receiver for my Dishnetwork needs. Does anyone know how to hook up the 6000 to the JVC so that the JVC will record programs that I've selected to be recorded with the 6000? The satellite line runs in to the 6000, and Dish deactivated the card for the JVC (or else it's an additional $4.99 a month). Any ideas? Thanks.
Post 2 made on Wednesday December 12, 2001 at 19:02
Larry Fine
Loyal Member
August 2001
Robert, not being familiar with the two units, I'd have to see the back panels of each, or the interconnect instructions. However, my guess would be to use whatever compatible connections are available for output from the Echostar and input to the JVC. It depends on whether the JVC can act as a standalone recorder, which I imagine it should.

Hopefully, someone else will post better info than I.


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