Post 1 made on Friday February 11, 2022 at 15:26 |
bruceiow Junior Member |
Joined: Posts: | February 2022 1 |
I have a Cambridge 340r receiver and no remote.. I have bought a new one but it is a few days away.
Being a nerd, I instantly thought that I could get my Arduino sending commands in the interim. All I want to do is get in to and interact with the OSD. (only available via remote).
So I found the IR codes, but have no idea how to get them in a format the IRRemote Arduino library needs.
What I have got so far is a system code of C0 C0 and then each command code is two digits (e.g. OSD is 11).
How do I make that in to a combination that Arduino will understand? Looking at a few examples it looks like it needs HEX maybe? This is an example method call I found online:
irsend.sendNEC(0x004eff71, 32);
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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