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[Take Control] how to control TV input & volume in Macro?????
This thread has 1 response. Displaying all posts.
Post 1 made on Monday March 1, 1999 at 10:02
Historic Forum Post
I just got the take control. I set up a Macro for watching a DVD Movie. My question is: THe input for the dvd is VIDEO 2 on the Toshiba rptv. How can I set this up? When you turn the tv on, it uses whichever input was used last time. I want this to switch automatically. How?

2nd: I have my processor set up. How Do I control the volume after I press " Watch a DVD Movie"? Do I have to select the processor buttons???
Please also email your response!
OP | Post 2 made on Monday March 1, 1999 at 18:56
Daniel Tonks
Historic Forum Post
1) You'd need direct access codes for your TV; so far I don't believe anyone's found any. Otherwise, you may want to try a macro that changes the TV to channel 02 (which should drop it out of VIDEO mode and put it in TUNER mode), then press VIDEO the required number of times.

2) The Volume buttons should be set up globally to operate your amp from where ever you are. Same with Mute. With the software you can fine tune them to control WHATEVER else you want for a particular activity, if you want.

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