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[Take Control] How upgradable to you think the Take Control is?
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Post 1 made on Friday February 26, 1999 at 17:24
Steve Jart
Historic Forum Post
I was wondering if HK/Microsoft could upgrade current units with new software and/or firmware, etc.. Does anyone know if it can be upgraded? It would sure be nice if they came out with some new software which might make it a much better remote (not saying that it is bad, but could use some tweaks like more icons, etc....)
OP | Post 2 made on Friday February 26, 1999 at 19:39
Daniel Tonks
Historic Forum Post
I haven't heard whether the unit is flash upgradable or not - I'll ask my rep. Even upgrading the software on the desktop side would add most of the convenience features I'd like to see.

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