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[Take Control] Take Control Questions
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Topic: | [Take Control] Take Control Questions This thread has 5 replies. Displaying all posts. |
Post 1 made on Wednesday February 24, 1999 at 14:03 |
I have some questions concerning macros and other information on the Take Control:
- Is it true that there can be only one macro per activity or device screen? I downloaded the Take Control manual and that's what it seems to say.
- How does one access device functions without actually switching sources on the processor? On the Pronto, it's done by holding down the left button while selecting a source device. I couldn't find how this was done on the Take Control, and I'm assuming it's possible.
- Has anyone run into a problem reaching the Take Control's memory limit, or wanted to program more macros than the unit is capable of?
Thanks in advance for any information from the Take Control users out there.
OP | Post 2 made on Wednesday February 24, 1999 at 17:39 |
Daniel Tonks Historic Forum Post |
1) I've got several macros on some screens, so that doesn't seem correct.
2) The Take Control doesn't actually have source switching commands attached to each device/activity. This must be done through a macro, which you can replace the activity shortcut on the home menu with, but once you've done that there isn't any way to NOT send the macro to select the device (unless you have duplicates).
3) Not yet. It doesn't give you "free memory" status, but there seems to be enough. There are limits on the number of devices/macros you can have; I believe it's 16 and 32 respectively.
OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday February 24, 1999 at 19:26 |
Daniel - Regarding source switching on the Take Control. If you select Watch TV, can it switch to the TV input on the processor? And the same with Watch DVD, will it or can it switch to the DVD input? Or does the source switching on the processor have to be done manually by creating specific macros for it?
OP | Post 4 made on Thursday February 25, 1999 at 13:10 |
Daniel Tonks Historic Forum Post |
Ron: Correct. :-) Source switching must be done manually, either by an embedded macro in the activity screen or by a macro on the Home Menu leading to the activity screen.
OP | Post 5 made on Friday February 26, 1999 at 13:35 |
Bill Lucas Historic Forum Post |
Ron: You can have 15 devices, 32 activities and 30 macros. I did run into the memory limitation for a device. I was programming my Marantz RC2000 functions into the IRIQ. When I thought about it, there were many, many buttons on the Marantz that were not necessary for the IRIQ. I hope this helped.
OP | Post 6 made on Friday February 26, 1999 at 19:24 |
phantom Historic Forum Post |
how much memory is in IRIQ anyways? based on what i is see (15 devices, 32 activities, and 30 macros) it must have ~128 KB (RC2000 mk I had 64KB)
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