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[Take Control] Sharing Knowledge
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Post 1 made on Sunday February 21, 1999 at 20:45
Carl Chapman
Historic Forum Post
First, I have been a lurker for about 4 months. Over time, I have read almost every message in both the Pronto and IRIQ sections. I wanted to make an informed decision about which remote to buy.

My number one concerns were WAF along with present capability and future expansion.

I decided on the HK Take Control. It has proved so far to be a great remote. The software is easy to use, and the range a stability of IR sending is just fine. I'm not sure about the difference between the HK and the Madrigal (in terms of quality) but the unit I have is more than adequate at sending signals.

While it is limited in the amount of "super tweaking" that one can do (putting specailly made bit maps on the screen to reporesent a channel), I think that the pregrogrammed devices more than make up for this. I was able to have all my devices prgrammed into the thing in short order. While there is a limiting factor with the 20 button layout, I won't be up until midnight for the next 6 weeks trading online bitmaps with Pronto users.

It's OK if you want a remote with the flexibility to do that. It's also OK if that part of the programming of your remote is so enjoyable that you would include it in the evaluation of the "total user experience." It is just not that important to me. Because of that I see no reason to overlook the HK TC1000. The roller wheel is VERY powerful and can make using the remote pure joy. It can also make your wife very happy.

Having said all that, I was hoping that this post would give all the satisfied users a thread where we could share our tips and tricks so to speak.

Does anyone know of a hidden MSFT site where we can get inside info on the remote?

Does anyone have specs on the internals of the thing? Memory? Expansion? Rumors?

How about extending the program? Anyone know where the TC1000 configuration files are stored on the PC? or their format?

How about creating and choosing from several versions of config files? One could keep files for your Main TH and your bedroom. Or in the case of some posters, one for your villa in France

OP | Post 2 made on Sunday February 21, 1999 at 22:29
Daniel Tonks
Historic Forum Post
Well, here's what I can offer. The Take Control could do even more than it does with the proper software upgrade. I'm hoping this will happen soon.

As for multiple configurations, this is possible in the manual sense. The actual data for your remote control is stored in c:\program files\take control editor\TC1000 settings.irm The IRM file is plain text and written much like an INI file. You could copy this file to another name should you want to fiddle around and have a backup to go back to, or keep several files for multiple remotes.
OP | Post 3 made on Monday February 22, 1999 at 22:39
Historic Forum Post
I have been a user of the IRIQ for a couple of months now and have been very happy with its capabilities and features. Especially the ability to configure activities and macros.

Daniel, I am very curious as to what you would want in a software upgrade?

Thanks for the great resource.
OP | Post 4 made on Monday February 22, 1999 at 23:08
Daniel Tonks
Historic Forum Post
Well, this is just off the top of my head:

1) Ability to save/load multiple configurations. Sometimes I'd like to backup my current config before a radical change.

2) Ability to load your own small icons. Or at least, improve the icon database to include more than 20.

3) Ability to re-order buttons on device pages.

4) Multi-page tasks, as opposed to simply linking to another task page. (Should be easy since multi-page devices already exist.)

5) Different colored buttons. I'm not expecting new shapes and sizes, but I'd like to be able to have white, light gray, medium gray, dark gray, black (with white text of course).
OP | Post 5 made on Tuesday February 23, 1999 at 19:08
Historic Forum Post
I would like to see the ability to develop apps that take full advantage of CE.
OP | Post 6 made on Wednesday February 24, 1999 at 18:05
Stephen Picardi
Historic Forum Post
....and all for $295!

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