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[Take Control] Jog on Take Control
This thread has 2 replies. Displaying all posts.
Post 1 made on Tuesday February 9, 1999 at 20:16
Historic Forum Post
How are Jog controls replecated on the Take Control?
OP | Post 2 made on Tuesday February 9, 1999 at 21:19
Daniel Tonks
Historic Forum Post
There's no special "Jog" shaped keys. Both Jog & Shuttle are reproduced through standard +/- keys. I've had time to reproduce "jog/shuttle" off my Sony DVD player and it worked fine.
OP | Post 3 made on Saturday February 13, 1999 at 15:24
paul lahaise
Historic Forum Post
how fast can you turn the roller wheel to get frame by frame access? Can you get frame by frame access as fast as the sony dvd remote?


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