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[Take Control] Dazed & confused
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Post 1 made on Thursday February 11, 1999 at 19:50
Historic Forum Post
As a "Cyber-remote newbie" I am amazed at what the two new products (IRIQ & Pronto) have to offer. As one of the first RC2000 users I know well how little quirks of an otherwise great system can be frustrating. Enough of that.

As you can see from the title I am really confused about which of these two platforms offer, for the mainstream, the greatest ease-of-use while also being somewhat bullet proof. Like many of you I'm sure, I first bought the RC2000 and am now considering these untits 1st for my wife and ease of use (this really helps on the WAF {wife/spouse approval factor}of additional equipment purchases) but also because like many of you my HT system has become so complex you really need a high power remote to tame the technology beast. Again, enough of that.

The real point of this thread is to solicit your opinions on which (if either) platform is best suited for me given the following criteria:

1. Ease of use

2. Ease of programming. The highly programmable nature of the Pronto is alluring and I would proabably dabble...but I need a system that is relativley easy to set up (including macros).

3. Relaible- I really don't mind spending the money if the value is there. Though this forum is great for the sharing of ideas and remedies I am concerned that I may not have the time (or frankly the expertise) to follow your well meant and timely advice. So, "out-of-the-box" performnace (with moderate programming) is essential for me.

4. Upgradable. I guess the point here is that I want to select a product that will continue to serve the grwowing list of new and better HT systems. Even beyond the new stuff, what do you do if your product isn't listed with the IR codes? I am sure there are many answers to this simple question....but which unit is more flexible in this regard?

I have read this and the Pronto forum (I also plan to leave a similar message on that Post as well) for the last 4 weeks and I am truly amazed by the interest and support these two products have among the loyal users. However, to me the complexity of the subject matter leaves me dazed and confused. In fact, I went to local dealer to see and presumably buy the Pronto and ending up bringing the Madrigal IRIQ home. After glancing through the manual and reading your forum I was so scared I returned it without even installing the batteries (I know I'm a wimp but the retailer had such a short return policy I panicked). So I am truly dazed and confused and in search of some helpful comments comparing the "usability" for a newbie like me.


OP | Post 2 made on Thursday February 11, 1999 at 22:21
Daniel Tonks
Historic Forum Post
1. Ease of use

For general family members, both are pretty easy to use. The Pronto is very straight forward, while the Take Control activity-based setup may take a bit to get used to but is probably simpler in the long run.

2. Ease of programming

The Pronto is really easy to program even without a computer. However, no codes are built in (unlike the Take Control) so everything must be learned.

3. Reliable

I've seen nothing to indicate that either the Pronto or the Take Control aren't reliable, though I'm currently waiting for a replacement for my Pronto after the screen died (don't forget, I have a pre-production unit). Out of the box, with minimal setup, the Take Control will have a shorter programming period. But you can do more with the Pronto.

4. Upgradable

If you're talking about adding new devices, both remotes will handle whatever you throw at them. Since the Pronto essentially has no built-in codes, it doesn't matter when you buy something -- you'll be able to add it. Firmware/software upgrades should be plentiful for both. The Pronto has lots of memory and will control any number of devices you fit in. The Take Control is limited to 15 devices and 32 activities.
OP | Post 3 made on Friday February 12, 1999 at 10:10
Amazingly smooth
Historic Forum Post
I've decided that the HK/IRIQ is not really a true touch screen remote. It is more of a screen that you can touch, but the most common functions are accessible by the roller bar. I liken it to a mouse and a computer screen. The interaction is very similar. I use the screen for PLAY and STOP, but for up and down I use the roller bar. In fact the most useful feature is when watching TV. The roller changes channels quite nicely. Also the HK fits very nicely into my right or left hand. The shape allows easy operation with one hand. I've never had a IR range problem, but I can see how that would upset people.

Depending of the level of automation you are looking for you may or may not be up and running right away. I don't use the activity screens on my home menu. Instead I use Macros to select things and the last command in the macro is the activity screen. The activities allow you to program multiple devices from one screen. If you watch TV by using your VCR for tuning and your receiver for volume this is very easy to set up.

I guess I can go on and on, but the bottom line is this. My wife can use it! She likes it, and the roller makes it easy enough to use. With the roller you get the touch screen option, but aren't forced to rely on it. You pretty much have to decide what you do most with your HT. Then decide what features you'd like the most access to. I think they are both great units. Right now I enjoy my HK, but I may end up with both.


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