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[Take Control] Received mine today
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Post 1 made on Thursday December 3, 1998 at 15:39
Mitch Fernandez
Historic Forum Post
I ordered 2 HK TakeControls from on 11/9 and received them today 12/3, so anyone else who ordered you can expect them soon.
OP | Post 2 made on Thursday December 3, 1998 at 16:02
Historic Forum Post
I also received my HK Takecontrol yesterday. I spent a good part of the day programming it. Is it just me, or does anyone else think this is a really BAD remote? The display is very difficult to read, it is slow in responding, it is hard to hold in one hand, and that wheel thing is rediculous in actual use. After using it, I would much rather go back to my Marantz RC2K.
OP | Post 3 made on Thursday December 3, 1998 at 16:57
Historic Forum Post
Great Remote.

I was able to program it in no time flat. I strongly recommend using the PC software to program it. Look for my upcoming review at
OP | Post 4 made on Thursday December 3, 1998 at 17:33
Historic Forum Post
I've never used or seen a TC myself, but wouldn't the wheel just be perfect for volume up/down?

OP | Post 5 made on Thursday December 3, 1998 at 18:04
Historic Forum Post
I agree with Jake on that, a friend has an HK,
the display is way too freakin'dim and it spends
a lot of time chomping on bytes. I think the
Pronto is better already and it's software
isn't even out yet.
OP | Post 6 made on Thursday December 3, 1998 at 18:16
Historic Forum Post
I too am disappointed in my new HK TakeControl. The response time is so slow that it is almost impossible to enter 3 digit channel numbers on my DSS receiver without missing one of the digits.
OP | Post 7 made on Thursday December 3, 1998 at 21:14
Mitch Fernandez
Historic Forum Post
I've got to agree. I'm really happy with the programming capabilities and the macros but so far the unit is essentially worthless to me because the signals just do not reach my devices consistently. It seems to me the signals are just going out in bursts that are too short rather than too weak. If this is the problem, a software fix might work, but who knows how long is it going to take for that to be available.
OP | Post 8 made on Thursday December 3, 1998 at 22:17
William Baker
Historic Forum Post
Got the Madrigal today. The software kills the remote after several synchronizations. Works fine a few times and then the remote just dies. Won't respond at all. If I use the reset button, it comes back to life. Strange.

Also, did I miss something? I would have hoped that this much technology would present an easy interface to programming the VCR. Sometime like program this channel from this time to that time. I haven't seen anything about recording or programming recording at all. Did I miss it or am I expecting too much?
OP | Post 9 made on Thursday December 3, 1998 at 22:29
Mitch Fernandez
Historic Forum Post
If I understand you correctly you're talking about programming it to execute certain commands at a regular time. Nope, I haven't seen any way to do this, but it's got a clock that synchronizes with the PC's clock. What's the point of that then?

After a couple of hours of use I've come to conclude that this thing is a hunk of junk. The touch screen is very slow to respond and often doesn't recognize entered commands. Signals just don't arrive at the devices as intended. I'm really disappointed. I'll admit, though, I haven't tried using the reset button yet, but it would be consistent with other Microsoft products: if it's not working, reboot.

On the plus side, I programmed the first control pretty quickly and it learned all of my remotes' codes easily. I'm really impressed by the way this thing can be configured. I was able to instantly program my second remote by uploading the configuration from the first remote which was saved on the PC. And I think the wheel works very well, very much like the Intellimouse wheel.

But if the thing don't work, it does me no good no matter how well the configuration process was thought out. I see myself returning it ASAP.
OP | Post 10 made on Friday December 4, 1998 at 19:22
George Mills
Historic Forum Post
Mitch, Let us know how the return policy goes with for future reference.

I already brought mine back and waiting for a Pronto.

OP | Post 11 made on Friday December 4, 1998 at 23:12
Mitch Fernandez
Historic Forum Post
No problem, I'll let you know. I wasn't able to connect to their site last night but I've gotten a number to call specifically for returns and such. I was very careful not to throw anything away or damage any of the boxes so I see no reason why I might be subject to a "restocking fee" or anything, but I'll let you know how it goes.
OP | Post 12 made on Saturday December 5, 1998 at 12:13
Tim Carter
Historic Forum Post
I orderd one yesterday from One Call. $297 delivered. Then I got home and read several of the initial impressions and you folks got me nervous. I don't know if I'll be happy with this or try and get the Pronto. I called One Call this morning to inquire as to their return policy and they said they only accepted returns on "defective" products and replacement with same. They did say I could refuse it on arrival though.... I would love to see one in the Los Angeles area this weekend....
OP | Post 13 made on Sunday December 6, 1998 at 14:18
Historic Forum Post
My HK remote is OK. The software though freezes my
PC completely when trying to create a macro.

I will call HK tech support Monday. Anybody else
have problems with macro setup ?

OP | Post 14 made on Sunday December 6, 1998 at 23:40
Barry Robbins
Historic Forum Post
I have not had any problem with the macro function on the PC. I have 20 macros so far and plans for more. It might just be me, but I haven't had the problems listed here. My remote is very responsive and the only time it does something I don't expect is when I press the wrong button (you know how your finger can move when there is no referance).... As for battery life, I had started using rechargeables when I was using the RC2kMII. I have no plans to return mine, it is the first remote I have had which controls all the devices in my home(12 units)! I wanted a Lexicon, but $2000 is a little much. This one is great for the price.....


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