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Has anyone succeeded in using a UEI remote control to do certain things?
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Post 1 made on Tuesday May 9, 2023 at 12:47
Junior Member
March 2023
With Respect

I am unable to set Timer Recordings or change the mode from SLP to SP on my Magnavox DVDR with the universal remote I have.

When I posted about this I got a recommendation to get a UEI made universal remote.

Has anyone actually had experience of being able to do those things on a DVDR with such a remote?

Yours Sincerely
Alan E. Dunne
Post 2 made on Wednesday May 10, 2023 at 01:41
Elite Member
April 2002
Not all UEI made remotes are built the same what brand and model number of universal remote did you get? Modern remotes don't have codes for devices no longer made like the DVDR.

I would get a universal remote that dates back to time dvdr were popular, look on ebay for One-For-All urc-6690 hybrid remote. It has the biggest library of codes a universal ever had. This remote was released with urc-6820, 8820, and 10820. Those three have had updated versions with much small library of codes. The 6690 was never updated.
Post 3 made on Sunday November 26, 2023 at 21:11
Regular Member
September 2023
Try a clone remote from Remotes World.
(I am not a salesperson, but that worked for me...)

I was able to get my UEI remotes to perform all functions by copying them from the clone (using an IR detector).

Last edited by SysTech_Larry on November 26, 2023 21:30.
SysTech Larry
OP | Post 4 made on Monday January 22, 2024 at 18:29
Junior Member
March 2023
Further, on attempted use of a UCR 7780 for this:

UCR remote control and DVDR

A. Speed: to change the speed at which the DVDR records on disc from SP to SLP
B. Timer Recording; to be able to get an interface on which I can set recording at a set time

1. Info button: [when there is a disc in] shows two lines of commands at the top of the screen and one at the bottom with Speed and ?. I do not understand the commands. It starts in the second row. By clicking on the first button in the second row I can get to the top row, which seems to have to do with playing from disc. I have not found a way to get to the bottom row.

2. Home button: Shows a screen of buttons with one saying “Setup” by itself at the top and then a list. The lis of menus includes “Recording” but that only has setup things. I cannot get to the top bar that says “Setup”.

I have tried pressing Menu when in these screens; it just opens the disc menu as it normally does. I have tried pressing the coloured keys, the app keys, I think Input and Magic on both.
Alan E. Dunne
OP | Post 5 made on Monday January 22, 2024 at 18:30
Junior Member
March 2023
UCR 7880
Alan E. Dunne

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