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Finding a ONE button for HDMI 2
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Post 1 made on Friday July 29, 2022 at 15:19
Junior Member
July 2022
Hey Guys, I have a Samsung TV and Im using a URC R50 .. And I used the codes to set the remote with the Samung TV.. I see on page 2 of the TV buttons I have a HDMi 1, 2, 3 .. 1 works fine, 3 works fine but HDMI 2 scrolls through the source's doesnt put the HDMI directly on HDMI 2 like 1 & 3 does! Is there a way to find a code set for a samsund that will do ALL 3 HDMI's with one push? I looked on my Samsung OEM remote and it ONLY has a source button no seperate HDMI buttons! Thanks for any help! I went through most of the codes for the samsun and didnt find a code that had ALL 3 seperate. Thanks for ANY help!

Last edited by bakugo on August 31, 2022 05:16.
Post 2 made on Friday July 29, 2022 at 16:03
Elite Member
April 2002
You can't add discrete commands to R50 remote. But if you were to get cheap UEI made remote like Onn 6 universal remote from walmart:


Using Samsung tv code 2051, the advanced code (efc) for hdmi 2 is 00030. To map it to key on Onn 6 remote:

1. tv
2. press and hold SETUP for two blinks, release
3. enter 9 9 4
4. tap SETUP for one blink
5. enter 0 0 0 3 0
6. pick a key

Now use the Onn 6 remote to teach your R50 the hdmi2 command.

Other codes can be found here:

Post 3 made on Monday September 18, 2023 at 02:24
Junior Member
September 2023
Most modern TVs have at least one full-size (Type A) HDMI port, which is 13.9 mm x 4.45 mm in size. These ports are usually labeled "HDMI." If there is more than one port, each will be labeled with a number (e.g., HDMI 1, HDMI 2). Some TVs also have HDMI ports on the front or side panel.

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