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Post 1 made on Sunday June 5, 2005 at 05:10
Lurking Member
June 2005
I am in Europe so awaiting release. I am also building a new house this year so keen to get my choices correct.

Having read the manual am I correct in thinking:

1. To listen to music (restricted to MP3 only?) I need to use the Philips software. So cannot use WMP10 playlists for example?

2. Streaming over the 9800i to a stereo system in real life is a dumb option - because the remote is then attached to the charger (must be close to your stereo and power) so you have pretty much lost your remote control sitting on the sofa etc!!!

Although Philips seem to be releasing some more integrated stereo devices in the next 12 months I am considering the SONOS devices for music, and the RC9800 for TV/DVD functions. I end up with 2 remotes in the lounge but thinking this might be easier in real life?? I also hear that streaming music over some of these Media Devices can be erratic (breaks, pauses between tracks etc).

Thoughts or comments?

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