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EPG site is now working
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Post 1 made on Monday July 7, 2008 at 17:51
Lurking Member
July 2008
Bought a RC9800I a week or 2 ago and was disappointed that the Electronic Program Giude site was not working. Called Tech support and they were no help. Found the EE-Mail of a Higher Up VP and emailed him. In less then 4 hrs, the site was now working and my guiide is now updating. Will let you know if it loads. So far so good.

Well the news is not good. My Rc9800I just shows a spinning icon for over 2 hrs. I only have 99 channels defined in my EPG and only 2 TV's defined in my remote. My router shows massive amount of data being sent and received, but it never finishes.

I Tried resetting it but same thing. Even tried requesting and entering a new Activation key (Shows that it was activated) and the site shows active, but no luck.

Anyone been able to get the EPG to work. I am using the latest Version.

Got it working today. Seems if you setup teh philips media server and then take it down, It just ries to find it over and over again. Was able to download Guide and it works great.

Last edited by bbrookfield on July 8, 2008 19:38.
Post 2 made on Wednesday September 9, 2009 at 20:52
Lurking Member
September 2009
I am currently having the same issue, when setting up the remote once i enter in the wireless info for my router the remote go to spinning icon and stays there. I have no idea what to do next......

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