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TSU 7500 unable to control plasma TV inputs in macro
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Post 1 made on Monday February 27, 2006 at 14:49
Long Time Member
February 2006
I need some help.
I have a Pioneer Pro 1130HD plasma screen. My Pioneer remote has separate buttons for input 1 through input 4. I have learned these IR codes into my Pronto TSU 7500 and they work independently. However, whenever I include these inputes in a macro, they do not work. I have tried to extend the delays on both ends of the input by up to 15-seconds and still they wont change. Everything else in y macro works.

When I turn TV on with macro I want Pioneer input to go to #3. When I want to watch a DVD I want input to go to #1.

Anyone have any idea why they wont switch for me?

Post 2 made on Monday February 27, 2006 at 15:23
Peter Dewildt
Loyal Member
July 2001
You most likely will need to increase the duration for each code.
Pronto 1000 (retired), Pronto TSU7000, RFX6000 (retired)
Pronto 2xTSU9600, RFX9400
Post 3 made on Monday February 27, 2006 at 16:59
Loyal Member
October 2005
I had a similar problem with a Pioneer Receiver, increasing the duration of the code as Peter Dewildt says fixed the problem for me.

Last edited by Damik on February 28, 2006 16:11.
I knew this was a mistake; my grip on reality's not too good at the best of times. Glitz, in "The Ultimate Foe"
OP | Post 4 made on Monday February 27, 2006 at 17:23
Long Time Member
February 2006
When you say increase the duration of the code, do you mean to increase the delay period between IR codes in a macro?
Post 5 made on Monday February 27, 2006 at 18:34
Loyal Member
September 2003
Have you switched something to RF by chance, Just did a 7500 with a P.E. Palsma and receiver. The only duration I had to mess with was the volume ramping.

Sometimes I erase all the functions in a macro and start over when I am having problem and that has helped out. This was all the Pronto units, not specically the 7500.

When they are referring to the duration, double click a button, double click on the the learnt IR and you will see the duration adjustments, default or whatever you choose. I think I used .3 seconds for volume issues.

Last edited by roddymcg on February 27, 2006 19:20.
When good enough is not good enough.
Post 6 made on Monday February 27, 2006 at 18:40
Select Member
March 2004
On February 27, 2006 at 17:23, smouradian said...
When you say increase the duration of the code,
do you mean to increase the delay period between
IR codes in a macro?

No. What is being suggested is that you increase the duration of the IR codes themselves. Duration meaning how long each IR code is set to transmit. This can not be done via delay actions in a macro. To do this go to the buttons in which you learned the IR codes to, and double click on the learned IR code in the action list for each. This will bring up a window showing among other things, the IR duration. There you can change the IR duration for that particular IR code from the default setting to anywhere between .01 and 10 seconds.

The number IR codes for my Comcast DVR for instance do not faithfully execute when used in macros for my channel icons. It is very hit or miss. By adding a .15 second duration to each of the IR codes my channel macros now execute perfectly everytime. Very quickly in fact. If your codes work individually, but not in a macro this is most certainly what you need to do.

Last edited by Lowpro on February 28, 2006 12:11.
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OP | Post 7 made on Tuesday February 28, 2006 at 10:09
Long Time Member
February 2006
Thanks all
All macros now work perfectly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Post 8 made on Tuesday February 28, 2006 at 13:42
Long Time Member
September 2005
On February 27, 2006 at 18:40, Lowpro said...

The number IR codes for my Comcast DVR for instance
do not faithfully execute when used in macros
for my channel icons. It is very hit or miss.
By adding a .15 second duration to each of the
IR codes my channel macros now execute perfectly
everytime. Very quickly in fact.

Lowpro -

Thank you for that bit of information. I have adjusted the duration and the improvement is like night and day.

Some trader inside information - it was there all along, all I had to do was activate the minimum :-).

- wjjz106
DVD 12 Step Member
Post 9 made on Tuesday February 28, 2006 at 13:48
Select Member
March 2004
It sure is like night and day huh. Those channel macros seem to run twice as fast now and perfectly everytime. That was the only frustrating thing about the Comcast box that was bothering me. Living large now! I actually gave all the IR codes for my Comcast box the .15 duration. Seemed to make a big difference across the board really.
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