Post 1 made on Saturday February 4, 2006 at 18:29 |
Paul1139 Lurking Member |
Joined: Posts: | February 2006 3 |
I have an EAD (Enlightened Audio Designs) Ovation Plus Pre-amp/processor and the remote control has died. Does anyone have codes for the following functions:
Power Analog D1 - D6 sources
Thanks in advance for any help from this board.
Post 2 made on Sunday February 5, 2006 at 00:33 |
Lyndel McGee RC Moderator |
Joined: Posts: | August 2001 13,049 |
You will find CCF files here. [Link:]To use them, do File->Import CCF... from the NG software.
Lyndel McGee Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
Post 3 made on Sunday February 5, 2006 at 11:46 |
Springs Super Member |
Joined: Posts: | May 2002 3,238 |
I used to have that processor and I MISS IT! You can get all the codes from the unit itself there is a procedure of turning the unit off and then back on. Hold the front pannel button and the front of the unit will emit its codes. All its codes one by one. Including descret ON OFF and everycode on the remotes and some.
Post 4 made on Tuesday October 31, 2023 at 09:02 |
Danrich Junior Member |
Joined: Posts: | October 2023 1 |
I screwed up and cleared the SRC-2000 SETTING and need help in restoring
Post 5 made on Tuesday October 31, 2023 at 21:43 |
Lyndel McGee RC Moderator |
Joined: Posts: | August 2001 13,049 |
The file above will get you the original IR codes but you'd need a Pronto Remote to load that file to teach the codes to your SRC-2000. So, I'm not quite sure where to go next for you. The remote in question may or may not be programmable. I've never heard of it.
Lyndel McGee Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
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