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Using the 7000 with RF in the UK
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Post 1 made on Sunday April 17, 2005 at 15:19
Lurking Member
April 2005
I have been using my Pronto pro 7000 in the UK with an Rf receiver to power my sky+ box with very poor results. The signal used to work 70% of the time, now it only works if I hold the Pronto up to the receiver. The RF receiver lights blink but nothing happens. Should the signal be longer? One of the other posts mentioned that the RF frequency for the European model is different. Does this matter since I bought both Pronto and the receiver in the US? I got the December firmware update but not the editor update.

This message was edited by Ilaria on 04/17/05 16:44 ET.
Post 2 made on Sunday April 17, 2005 at 17:43
Peter Dewildt
Loyal Member
July 2001
You need to use the version of the editor that matches the firmware you have.

If you have the 7000, you need to use the U.S. version of the RF Extender. You obviously have this otherwise it would not work at all.

If it only works at a a short distance:
- check that your Pronto is charged
- turn RF Extender off and on again
- check for interference
Pronto 1000 (retired), Pronto TSU7000, RFX6000 (retired)
Pronto 2xTSU9600, RFX9400
OP | Post 3 made on Monday April 18, 2005 at 05:23
Lurking Member
April 2005
thanks for the help. I have a wireless lan and a wireless baby monitoring camera on the same frequency. Any idea how to stop interference?
Post 4 made on Monday April 18, 2005 at 08:15
Iain Margery
Long Time Member
December 2003
try changing the channel number(s) on the rf unit, and of course change the setting in the pronto too!
Post 5 made on Tuesday April 19, 2005 at 06:03
Mark Nolan
Founding Member
July 2001
On 04/18/05 05:23 ET, Ilaria said...
thanks for the help. I have a wireless lan and
a wireless baby monitoring camera on the same
frequency. Any idea how to stop interference?

Surely you are unlikely to have a wireless lan on the same frequency. They usually operate at 2.4GHz.

The freq. in question is 418MHz in the US and 434MHz in Europe.

In fact, unless you bought the baby monitor in the US, it will operate on 434MHz as this is a "free" band for public use.

418MHz is reserved for military use in the UK, although it looks like there is a subagreement between the MoD and Ofcom to allow 410-430MHz for Land Mobile services.

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