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Which is the RC5200 serial number?
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Post 1 made on Tuesday August 9, 2022 at 21:41
Junior Member
August 2022
I've got a few RC5200s and I just wonder what number is the Serial Number.

Each has a paper label that says TS5200, mounted near the screws that hold the back on. They all have 3104 207 12351, so I'm guessing that's the model number.

Then they each have a number, for instance PL04 0306 032282. This varies from unit to unit.

But then there's a paper label with RC5200/U1S under the battery. These also have the "3104" nubmer cited above, but then there's another number. The one that I just cited ending in 032282 has PL 04 0306 025169. The others also have numbers behind the batteries where the last six digits don't match the numbers on the other labels.

I'm guessing that the numbers after PL are a date code, 04 0306 being March 6, 2004. But I don't know. Plus A LOT of them have that number!

Anybody know what's what?
Post 2 made on Tuesday August 9, 2022 at 23:42
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
I can't recall if the serial number is shown when you go to the settings screen by holding the on-screen remote icon.

That unit has not been produced for 18 years and is no longer under warranty. Why does it really matter? Are you trying to match the unit to a box with a serial number? Usually the remotes, docks all have part numbers on them. When sold as a set, the box has another part number.

Maybe this will help decipher...

Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester

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