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Using NevoStudio under Windows 10 : a solution
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Post 1 made on Friday November 6, 2015 at 15:12
Lurking Member
November 2015

for those who want to use NevoStudio under Windows 10 : it is possible, this will give one solution on how to do it.

- install Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable Package :
download at [Link:]
Run as administrator to install
I used the english version.

- install Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 :
download at [Link:]
Run again as administrator to install
I again used the english version.

- download and install InstEd :
download at [Link:]
I used version, the free version.
This will enable you to bypass the windows version check to install NevoStudio

- Run the NevoStudio installer.
You will get an error message box saying this version of windows is not supported :
Do not click on the OK button !
Open the File Browser and go to C:\Windows\Downloaded Installations
You will find a folder (Mine was named {5F9850BB-4368-4237-B7AE-B5121E8C1C75})
Inside, take the NevoStudio.msi file and copy it elsewhere
You can then click OK to close the NevoStudio installer

If you now try to install with NevoStudio.msi, it will tell you need to use the setup.exe program.
We will now remove this problem and the windows version limit.
- Launch InstEd and open the NevoStudio.msi file you just copied
In the left panel, Tables tab, go to « Launch Condition »
In the right panel, you will see two conditions on the WindowsNT version, wich we will remove, and one about being admin, wich we will keep.
To remove both version conditions, just right click on the condition and choose « Delete Row(s)
Now, in the left panel, go to « Property »
In the right panel, do a right click and select « Add row »
In the first field (Property), replace the null value by « ISSETUPDRIVEN »
In the second field (Value), replace the null value by 1
And ok
Save the file (File/Save) and exit
You can now install NevoStudio using the NevoStudio.msi you just changed.

As of now, you can start and use NevoStudio, but it will complain about not having found ActiveSync. And you will not be able to download to the remote panel. To do this :
Go to Start Menu, All Apps, start « Phone Companion »
Clic on « Windows »
Now, plug your remote panel. It will download the files and start the installation of Windows Mobile Device Center (new name of ActiveSync).
Just wait for the installation to finish (it takes a long long time), and you are good to go.

With this, I am now able to upload program from the Nevo SL to Nevo Studio, download from Nevo Studio to Nevo SL, ...

Funny thing is once NevoStudio is first installed using the modified msi file, it is possible to reinstall it using the standard nevo studio installer, there is no longer an error message for the windows version. Maybe it is just a windows registry key check, and it would be possible to bypass it much easier by simply adding a key in the registry.

Post 2 made on Saturday July 23, 2022 at 15:33
Junior Member
July 2022
You may well never see this, but thanks for this post! It got NevoStudio working on Windows 11 for me :)

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