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Harmony Elite Remote
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Post 1 made on Wednesday March 20, 2024 at 10:26
Long Time Member
March 2013
Hello All,

I purchased a Harmony Elite Remote from Ebay at just over $200.00 after shipping. I purchased it because I was curious to see the user interface and to investigate whether or not it could control the power of my Sony ES Tuner. Unfortunately, it can't. I own a URC-MX-980 and after some testing, I have no intention of switching remotes. Thus, I have decided to sell it. I have the remote and all accessories, However, I do not have the box (not included in the original sale). I purchased a USB cable ( that I will include) to hook to my laptop. The remote, cradle, and, hub are in good condition, but show signs of wear. The screen is perfect when powered on.

I currently have it listed on other sites for $150. Please message me if you are interested in purchasing. I am happy to send pictures of everything.



NOTE: I originally posted this in the Harmony Remotes forum not realizing that there was a Marketplace forum. Sorry for the double post!

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