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FS- 2 MX950s plus extra battery & charger
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Post 1 made on Monday April 24, 2006 at 11:51
Long Time Member
March 2005

I just upgraded one room to the Nevo SL and downgraded another room because I did not want a rechargeable remote in that location. So, I have the following available:

Two MX950s with AC Charger, Battery, Original manuals and packaging & cables. Both remotes are about 6 months old and in EXCELLENT condition. No wears, tears, scratches or dents as they were treated like an expensive remote should be.

I also have a third AC Charger (picked it up on eBay since one of the remotes was used in a multi-room application) and a replacement Lenmar battery (just a spare)

Email jim at remoteshoppe dot com if interested

Last edited by remoteshoppe on May 9, 2006 11:43.

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