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hold projector "Power" 2 seconds for macro command?
This thread has 20 replies. Displaying posts 1 through 15.
Post 1 made on Saturday April 3, 2004 at 06:23
Lurking Member
December 2003
Hello A/V Gods,

After a month of researching remotes for a client, we settled on the Ipronto. I have never programmed one or any other Pronto previously but figured I would take it on for the experience. That was 8 weeks ago. After it was late shipped, arrived DOA, had conflicting warranty coverage, then took 10 days to get it back I then started trying to program it. I'll admit I am at best average on the computer it took me more than 6 weeks just to find, dowmload and open the zip file. This was my 1st time to ever use a "zip" file. And I must say, it was a nice experience for me and the guys at Phillip's Help Center. It seems I have made about 25+ phone calls of problems and I hadn't even opened the file yet. After adding several things to my computer, I finally opened it. It has been 10 days since that break thru day came for me. The Programming Instructions, like this forum, has went from looking Greek to where i can understand and apply most of it. But I must say, this learning curve has came with alot of stress and frustration. It would of been much easier, at least on me, if there was an actual Manual with easy to follow instruction on programming or a disc that came with unit for editing.

Anyhow. Sorry i had to post this much condensed version of my frustrations. Thought I put it in writing incase someone else is having a hard time now like I was then. ...and one other thing to note, if you are that person recently getting this remote and are going thru this difficult time trying to program it. The answer is "NO". The remote does not come with a single-shot bullet chamber built in. Seems they were losing to many Techs while it was under development at Phillip's Research Lab and chose to leave this handy feature out. it turned out, I could of used this feature on several occasions. The rounded corners of the remote just don't have the same impact to the head.

Okay, now here is my question. Could someone please tell me how to make a button stay pressed in the command mode for about 2 seconds???? I need it for programming Macros for "all On and off" for my Plus Projector and Curtains. Customer want to hit one button and have curtains open, projector come on, power on to all components etc. However the Curtains and Projector buttons have to be physically held down to do this. Is this possible in a Macro Sequence? I've tried entering the "power" command in rapid fire sequence but didn't work. Pronto guys say it want work. Tell me it will.....I need a little sunshine!
Post 2 made on Saturday April 3, 2004 at 11:49
Kees van der Meer
Long Time Member
December 2003
Here's your sunshine!!

It's very simple: just add an delay after any action of any button or macro in the "Button properties" window of iPronto editor. That's it!! Nothing more, nothing less.

Have a nice programming weekend!

OP | Post 3 made on Saturday April 3, 2004 at 16:12
Lurking Member
December 2003
Thanks Kees,

I tried that and it wouldn't work. However the remote is here at my house being programmed and then carried to his house to see if functioning. I thought the "delay' button was use for time spacing between each command if given in a series. your saying "delay added" is how long the button is to be pressed or activated before releasing it and then going to next command and not the actual time, though relative, between the next ir command being sent. And just to make it clear, is this delay put in the macro after "proj power" then delay 2 sec. or place in the projector's main page for the power properties when pressed. I'm assuming the later being i had not put it there before only in th e macros. Thank you I know it seems like a base question and i know i tried all this but i had a lot of issues early on (remote wasn'tlearning commamnds etc etc). I'll try it again!
Post 4 made on Saturday April 3, 2004 at 16:35
Kees van der Meer
Long Time Member
December 2003
I've tested the delay with my own cinema.icf and it worked. I had the delay programmed to 5 (!) seconds.

I have send you my ICF to your mail address for testing on your iPronto.
After downloading, go to CINEMA and push the "BEAMER on/off" button. This is the one with the 5 sec. delay.

Post 5 made on Saturday April 3, 2004 at 23:22
Barry Gordon
Founding Member
August 2001

You are correct about the delay. All it does is cause a fixed delay to occur. It is normally used between two IR commands to allow the equipment being controlled to complete the first command if necessary. On the iPronto you can not control the off time of the final IR burst so the dealy is important for certain applications.

The problem you are referring to is quite different. The question is what does the original IR remote issue when you hold down its button pressed for 5 seconds? IF it issues a burst of IR (the command) and then waits while you hold it down emitting nothing, then the delay should work (as Kees states). However I suspect that is not what it is doing. It might issue one IR command and then if held done for 5 sconds issue another different command. What you need to find out is what is it doing. If you can find a ccf on Remotecentral in the files section for your specific device, then you should be able to figure it out or at least copy what they have done.

The other point about long macros, the customer has to keep the iPronto pointing at the IR receiver while all of this is going on. I believe Xantech makes a device that issues IR macro sequences when a single IR command is received; different sequences for different commands.

In my system, a PC issues all macro sequences when hit by a single IR command, hence no keeping the iPronto "pointed"
Post 6 made on Sunday April 4, 2004 at 04:19
Kees van der Meer
Long Time Member
December 2003
Barry, you're right ofcourse about the delay function. It's function is to cause a pause between commands. However, my experience is that if you use it for only one specific function such as "on/off" it works as an contuining press.
I haven't tested it with more than one command.

I've had the same problem with my Epson beamer: one (short) press was insufficient to respond the on/off. Then I added a delay of 1 sec. and it respond.
There is one other thing that could make the difference: as Betatester I work with a newer version of iPronto edit (2.3.2) and firmware (1.6.21) that Philips yet hasn't released for all iPronto owners.

You could try out something else:
Make a button on a separate page, add a delay (5 sec or so). Then link this button to the button which contains the macro commands.
Put the same (learned) command several times after each other in your button macro.
Maybe that will work?

Post 7 made on Sunday April 4, 2004 at 10:22
Andrew Dade
Long Time Member
March 2004
Hello Kees,
Very interesting thread. I too have tried your suggestion with X-10 "dim" command. I have a button that dims my lights to a specific point, my problem is same that its not possible to "Push and hold" a button for a specific length of time.

I have tried your suggestions and it does not appear to work for me.

Interesting that a new firmware version is comming up, would you be able to share some of the fixes for V1.6.21 with us ?

Hope it cures some of the issues I have, particularly with the web browser.

Post 8 made on Sunday April 4, 2004 at 10:41
Kees van der Meer
Long Time Member
December 2003
... would you be able to share some of the fixes for V1.6.21 with us ...

No, sorry Andrew.

Post 9 made on Sunday April 4, 2004 at 17:35
Barry Gordon
Founding Member
August 2001
IR is not magic, and niether are IR remotes. The question is merely what does the remote put out when you push it and hold it? If it puts a single sequence (in Pronto Parlence, a one-time sequence) then adding a delay after it is sent does nothing but ensure that no other IR commands will be issued during that period. Keeping your fingers off the pronto and not being in the middle of a macro ensures the same thing.

But what if the projector expects to see a single burst, followed by no IR activity followed by a different burst? then you need to know what the IR burst after the delay looks like.

But what if the projector expects to see a continuous repeated burst of IR for about 5 seconds. That may merely be a repeated sequence much like a volume up or volume down or Fast forward or Fast reverse on many components. The IR window would need to be checked/edited to make it a repeated burst. I suggest you try that.

If you want to tell what the Pronto is doing look at the IR edit window, I will help you if it is a learned IR command. Cut and paste what the IR window says into this thread.

As I said before it depends on what the remote is really doing!
Post 10 made on Sunday April 4, 2004 at 19:32
Long Time Member
September 2003
I had to do this with my Panasonic TV - give a long Power button press and a single "power" command would not work...

...have you tried what I ended up doing? Just issue a bunch of "power" commands one after the other - learn a single power command into a dummy (hidden) button and then have an on screen button alias to it 5 times consecutively (in my case) or as many times as you need?

OP | Post 11 made on Sunday April 4, 2004 at 20:12
Lurking Member
December 2003
Hello Everybody,

It makes me feel alot better knowing i have the support from all of you. I've been harboring these unsolved problems for sometime. It is very soothing to have such a quick and intelligent response from all of you. I thank you and I thank RC's Forum for the support for not having to go at this alone. You guys are great.

My learned if address for my projector's "Power" button is 900A 006D 0000 0001 8615 14EB. I went to the database files on Plus projector and there is Power Off and Power On commands but it didn't pull up the codes in the address.

I did try to sequencing the command rapid fire manually as well as from the macro to no prevail. The guys at Pronto, I might add, refer to this site quite often for solutions they don't have the answers to. Them, as well as I, have a deep respect for you and your inputs. Don't think for a minute they are not viewing, and they should, every comment posted here. Pronto Help Center said you couldn't make the button hold down. Said try the delay and the sequence of same command and if that don't do it then from there knowledge it can't be done.

Here is the learned if command for the Curtains "all open" :
0000 006B 0000 0012 004C 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 01F5.
I'm having the same problem in opening curtains in my "admit One" macro button. This is the button customer will press to turn everything on. When this command goes out curtains nudge forward for a millisecond and stop.

I even tried to make a button for powering on projector and placing it over the "Admit One" macro sequence (which I delayed 3 seconds) and then putting it in the background. Thought maybe if customer hold down button for 2 secs it would turn on projector and then go to the Macro sequence. Didn't work. But again I'm programming at home and then trying at customer's house. I will try to make some buttons with different commands for power on projector and try them tomorrow. If anybody can help with this code I posted still much appreciated.


Though not ready for Primtime I will upload my remote's icf in thid forum.
OP | Post 12 made on Sunday April 4, 2004 at 20:28
Lurking Member
December 2003
Do to time I will upload complete icf file later. thanks. popcorn
Post 13 made on Sunday April 4, 2004 at 23:38
Barry Gordon
Founding Member
August 2001
Lets do the Projector first. What you have shown me is not a learned command. It is from the Pronto data Base. I have not experimented with those. There is an article in the files documentation section that is a follow up to my original paper (there also) on how to understand learned commands. Have you tried to learn the Projector on command as a learned command? If you can, then show it to me the same way you did the curtain open command.

What we are going to do with the learned command is extend it as if you were holding the button down. I assume that if you don't put the command in a macro, and hold it down (keep it pressed) it does work, i.e. do what you want.

Now lets look at the curtain open command. It is a learned command. the first 4 numbers (in hex) are the preamble). The third one is 0000 so thre is no "One time sequence", just a repeat sequence. The 4th word is the size of the repeat sequence in Hex. The repeat sequence is 18 pairs (0012 hex= 16+2=18 decimal) or 36 4 digit hex numbers. Now what you must do is repeat the last 36 digits, and increase word 4 to account for it. That would make it as if you held down the button for a little while, long enough for 2 transmissions. Keep adding copies of the 36 integers (4 hex digits) making sure that the count in word 4 is always right (incrementing it by 18 decimal or 12 hex for each repeat of the sequence), and rememeber that count is in hex. I know of no limit on the length of an IR sequence, but there might be.

Here is your origional sequence

0000 006B 0000 0012 004C 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 01F5.

Here it is twice as long

0000 006B 0000 0024 004C 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 01F5 004C 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 01F5

Here it is 3 times as long
0000 006B 0000 0036 004C 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 01F5 004C 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 01F5 004C 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 01F5

Here it is 4 times as long
0000 006B 0000 0048 004C 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 01F5 004C 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 01F5 004C 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 01F5 004C 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 01F5

Get the idea?

I suggest you read my original document on Pronto IR display formats, and if you want to tackle the projector codes from the data base read the paper by Eigeny Oulianov on Pronto IR code formats both are located at:

Once you have read my paper, you should be able to even figure out how many repeats are needed for 5 seconds of time.

I computed that a single occurrence of the pattern is 0.040638 seconds (40.638 milisec)long, so a pattern with 100 repeats would be 4 seconds long. I suggest experimenting. You might make a pattern with 10 repeats and a macro that issues it 10 times. Hope you have a laptop to take over to your client.

P.S. You might want to get in touch with the Manufacturer to get the IR codes. If you want to do that email me at You might try an older pronto (TSU1000) to learn the IR. It did not have a very good data base or set of algorithims for compressing the IR patterns. As a last resort ship me the remote and I will try and decode it.

This message was edited by Barry Gordon on 04/05/04 00:14.
Post 14 made on Monday April 5, 2004 at 13:36
Andrew Dade
Long Time Member
March 2004
On 04/04/04 10:41, Kees van der Meer said...
... would you be able to share some of the fixes
for V1.6.21 with us ...

No, sorry Andrew.


OK thats what I expected ! Well I had to ask... Trust you are feeding back the issues here to the guys at Philips ?
Post 15 made on Monday April 5, 2004 at 19:22
Kees van der Meer
Long Time Member
December 2003

Yes, as iPronto owners we share the same goals and ofcourse, I'm not alone. Also, the Philips Prontoteam are constantly monitoring this site.

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