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Harmony Hub Won't Turn off Sony Receiver
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Post 1 made on Monday April 22, 2024 at 12:02
Lurking Member
October 2005
I recently purchased a new Sony receiver (STR – AZ3000ES) and am trying to control it with the harmony hub. The receiver, as well as the other equipment, responds to turn on with the Harmony hub, but I cannot get it to turn off the receiver. The other equipment does turn off.
When I use the harmony app, I can turn the receiver on/off so I know there is good communication. I confirmed that the end sequence in the activity section of the app is supposed to turn off the receiver. I presume that when I give the instruction to turn off the television that the end sequence would be initiated.
I am also using Alexa to control the hub and it works well. The receiver has just one button on its remote to turn on/off the receiver so there are no dedicated buttons to control power.
Any suggestions to resolve this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Post 2 made on Monday May 6, 2024 at 14:56
Herman Trivilino
Long Time Member
February 2007
Can you go into "devices" on the remote and turn the receiver off that way? If not, the command doesn't work, and unless there's a IR command that will turn off the receiver, you're probably stuck.

You can contact Harmony support and request that they fix the command, but there's a long wait for that type of service.
Origin: Big Bang
Post 3 made on Tuesday July 30, 2024 at 14:39
New Member
July 2024
I did two things to fix mine at the same time and it worked, so I don’t know which one it is. First I went to the devices list in the app and clicked edit devices and then clicked on the receiver. Then I clicked add/fix command and followed the steps to fix the power toggle command (requires original Sony remote). Then I clicked power settings under the edit device menu and switched it to turn off when not in use. Earlier it was on keep device always on. When I did both of these I fixed it. Hope this helps.
Post 4 made on Wednesday August 7, 2024 at 22:17
New Member
August 2024
On April 22, 2024 at 12:02, Autom8 said...
I recently purchased a new Sony receiver (STR – AZ3000ES) and am trying to control it with the harmony hub. The receiver, as well as the other equipment, responds to turn on with the Harmony hub, but I cannot get it to turn off the receiver. The other equipment does turn off.
When I use the harmony app, I can turn the receiver on/off so I know there is good communication. I confirmed that the end sequence in the activity section of the app is supposed to turn off the receiver. I presume that when I give the instruction to turn off the television that the end sequence would be initiated.
I am also using Alexa to control the hub and it works well. The receiver has just one button on its remote to turn on/off the receiver so there are no dedicated buttons to control power.
Any suggestions to resolve this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Hey tunnel rush,
Could the issue be related to the receiver's firmware? How can I check that?

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