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Logitech harmony 900 old remote control help
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Post 1 made on Monday March 15, 2021 at 14:03
Junior Member
March 2021
Hi guys hope you all are all ok and over come covid19 in good heath,
i was given a Logitech harmony 900 old remote control that belonged to a already deceased person, you guys do you know what can i do with it ,if i can do factory default and start knew to use it to program tvs ,i have the manual but i'm confused, it asks me for blasters that i don't have,i only have the remote and charger dock , any help would be appreciated

Also do i really need this thing blaster in order to use this remote?


Logitech harmony 900
Post 2 made on Sunday May 16, 2021 at 02:02
Long Time Member
July 2002
You don't need the blaster, just download and install "Logitec Harmony remote software 7.x on an old PC or laptop and create an account. Hook up the remote via a USB cable and the software will detect the remote and from there you can program it and save the profile on the remote. When done and disconnected from the PC it will try to find a blaster, just skip through the process using Yes its working etc. Then go into the "Options" on the Harmony and find the RF settings and double check that nothing is set to a blaster. It should now work as a pointed IR remote.
You can pick up Hubs for a few bucks on ebay if you want the RF feature and mini blasters.

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