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setting up harmony hub and remote
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Post 1 made on Sunday January 5, 2020 at 23:35
Lurking Member
January 2020
This has not taken me over 4hrs today!!!

Have had a Harmony 650 remote for some time. I run an LG Smart TV and a Windows MC with a infrared windows captured connected to the HTPC. I have the 650 set up to simultaneously

But wanted to replace it so given my home automation, thought the harmony hub and remote (connected to GoogleHome/Assistant) would be a good move.

When I logged into the harmony app followed the steps to cope settings from my harmony 650. Seemed to have worked. But the mappings for the commands/buttons didn't seem to come across as none of the buttons on the new harmony remote would do anything like the old remote would do.

So i decied to "fix commands" for the windows mc device.....the learning function is extremely hit and miss and eventually just hangs the app and seems to disconnect the app from the hub. Trying to reconnect up again seems to hang on "Connecting to Harmony servers"....but never does.

I thought it was something wrong with my phone (OnePlus 6T). I tried it with another phone (Moto X) – same outcome.

I tried to start again and not copy from old remote but set it all up from scratch...but the hub wouldn't even set up with the LG tv (which worked at least for power off/on by copying commands).

So went back to copying from old remote and trying to fix it but it keeps losing connection from app to hub. (is the app/mobile connecting to the hub via WiFi or Bluetooth?)

And even if/when i get to fix all of the commands – do those commands map to the buttons on the harmony remote? if not how do I map them?

Significantly disappointed wit this product so far....

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