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Problem with Harmony 720 / 785
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Post 1 made on Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 09:24
Lurking Member
March 2008

I've had this remote for 6 months without problems.
Haven't changed the activities in a few months and all worked great.

Yesterday i noticed as it was lying on the sofa the screen would light up periodically, although it was not moving at all. I started looking to check what was hapenning...
While it's on an activity it will go back to the activity selection screen (as if i pressed the activity button)... then sometimes after a few more minutes it goes back to the activity screen again.
After going back, sometimes the commands will work then... sometimes not. I have to pick a different activity, then repick the original one and it will work.

Also sometimes it will start restarting on its own... saying testing, etc, like if i had removed the battery.

Can this be hardware failure? anyway to reset the software to try to solve this or only the tech support may help?
Almost seems like the activity button is broken and keeps pressing itself generating all these problems.

thanks for any help
Post 2 made on Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 09:49
Active Member
December 2005
On September 17, 2008 at 09:24, speculare said...

I've had this remote for 6 months without problems.
Haven't changed the activities in a few months and all
worked great.

Yesterday i noticed as it was lying on the sofa the screen
would light up periodically, although it was not moving
at all. I started looking to check what was hapenning...
While it's on an activity it will go back to the activity
selection screen (as if i pressed the activity button)...
then sometimes after a few more minutes it goes back to
the activity screen again.
After going back, sometimes the commands will work then...
sometimes not. I have to pick a different activity, then
repick the original one and it will work.

Also sometimes it will start restarting on its own...
saying testing, etc, like if i had removed the battery.

Can this be hardware failure? anyway to reset the software
to try to solve this or only the tech support may help?
Almost seems like the activity button is broken and keeps
pressing itself generating all these problems.

thanks for any help

If it is rebooting it sounds like you have a loose battery connection. This was a problem with earlier models and logitech provided a battery spacer. You can try putting a folded piece of paper in the battery compartment between the battery and the cover to see if that fixes the problem

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