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map button for device?
This thread has 2 replies. Displaying all posts.
Post 1 made on Tuesday April 9, 2002 at 23:47
Founding Member
March 2002
I was able to remap the zap and nav keys using the Activity change button feature, but... it's menu dependent so unless I want to do the tedious remapping for all of the menus in the Watch TV activity, my remapping will only take effect if a certain menu is active (not what I want).

So... I looked at the Advanced section to see about customizing the xml to map the buttons at the device level instead. Wow, is that confusing. Couldn't get any button remap to work.

Has anyone done this?
Post 2 made on Wednesday April 10, 2002 at 09:45
Ultimate Member
May 2001
I have not tried it yet. But I agree with you that they should add it as a category (I was just thinking that yesterday, when I started playing with the change button). Also it would be cool if there was a way to move functions. For instance when I watch TV sometimes) I am watching a tape at the same time (during the adds I watch a taped show). So I added the VCR buttons (play stop, rewind, FF, rec and pause) I added the Rew FF on Vol + and - since the FF and Rew buttons are used for prev. hour and next hour. But if I can put Prev/next hour on the vol buttons then all my VCR commands will use the right buttons.

(I have not asked Tech sup yet, but I saw your post and decided I might as well post here)
Post 3 made on Tuesday April 30, 2002 at 03:26
Christian U
Founding Member
April 2002
Hi, I wrote about this to the Harmony Customer Service.
You can bind Buttons globaly per Activity, so you do not have to change the button for every menu. They call this "Global Change Button Function"

You have to make a Change Button Function (Under "My Activities" "Add a new activity" "Utility" "Change Button Function") for the Activity, where you want to change the binding of this button. Then you have to modify the XML for this "Change Button function":
You have to remember the number of USERCONFIGORATORID and the ID of the Device to control.
Then replace the XML by the following:

[DESCRIPTION]Enter the Unique ID of your activity here[/DESCRIPTION]
[DESCRIPTION]Enter the Unique ID of the device to control here[/DESCRIPTION]
[OPERATION]SendInfrared %UserDeviceID.Name%_Display_Press[/OPERATION]

25862 has to be replaced by the abovementioned USERCONFIGORATORID and the 18040 by your DeviceID. Then simply change the button you need to bind and the IR Command you want to send.
ps.: All the [ and ] have to be replaced by < and > !

This message was edited by Christian U on 04/30/02 03:28.53.

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