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WB announces they will be going BD exclusive
This thread has 21 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 22.
Post 16 made on Sunday January 13, 2008 at 01:35
Long Time Member
December 2004
On January 12, 2008 at 10:40, DJSOLRAC said...
When the VHS/Betamax war was going on the consumers chose
VHS, mostly due to lower costs.

Actually consumers were choosing Beta first, VHS inevitably
won because of the Porn industry choice of VHS as their
preferred format.

So consumers chose VHS because of Porn. The Porn industry did not choose VHS because they were paid millions to do so.

Like I stated before, it will be a long uphill battle before Blu-Ray topples DVD, if ever.
Sony is tring to enter the Home Theater HD market with a gaming machine. What a joke.
Sony never ever goes the norm. They always have to invent something new they can control and own. They will control the electronics world if people keep buying their proprietary technology:

This article explains why Warner went with Blu-Ray, not HD DVD:
It could of went the other way just as easy as how it did go down.
Post 17 made on Sunday January 13, 2008 at 02:54
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
On January 12, 2008 at 10:40, DJSOLRAC said...
When the VHS/Betamax war was going on the consumers chose
VHS, mostly due to lower costs.

Actually consumers were choosing Beta first, VHS inevitably
won because of the Porn industry choice of VHS as their
preferred format.

There were some other benefits to VHS that also helped it win, including longer recording times. Sure, it looked horrible, but you could record for 4 hours versus Beta's 1 hour at the time. Beta added slower tape modes eventually, but VHS' bigger tapes still gave them an edge (10.5 hours!).

Sony is tring to enter the Home Theater HD market with a gaming machine. What a joke.

The only flaw with the PS3 in a home theater setting is the control methods, and possibly fan noise after it's been working a while (although it's not alone in that last one). As a piece of hardware it's inexpensive, powerful, versatile, reliable, and easily upgradeable. I picked up a 20gb PS3 within the first week of its release, and I've used it almost exclusively for BD playback and as a media extender. I knew back then that it could be and would be kept up-to-date with the ever-evolving BD specs, and sure enough it has.

When a final profile standalone player comes out that's as fast to operate as the PS3 I'll mostly likely replace it and move the PS3 to a bedroom where it might actually get some game play...
OP | Post 18 made on Sunday January 13, 2008 at 15:12
Ultimate Member
May 2001
(10.5 hours!).

there where 10.5 hour tapes? I never knew about that.
Post 19 made on Sunday January 13, 2008 at 17:02
Loyal Member
October 2005
On January 13, 2008 at 15:12, Anthony said...
there where 10.5 hour tapes? I never knew about that.

I guess Daniel means in extended play mode - I have seen ads for 12 hour EP mode tapes in Japan
I knew this was a mistake; my grip on reality's not too good at the best of times. Glitz, in "The Ultimate Foe"
Post 20 made on Sunday January 13, 2008 at 23:18
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
Most I ever saw was T-210s. But looking around, it seems it's sold as a JVC DF-480 for D-VHS applications. 500 meters of tape, versus 433m on a T-210 or 248m on a T-120. So I guess that would get you 12 hours in regular VHS EP mode. Only price I can find is £16 per tape.
OP | Post 21 made on Monday January 14, 2008 at 20:27
Ultimate Member
May 2001
I assumed he ment EP. I just don't remember ever seeing larger then the T160s
Post 22 made on Thursday January 17, 2008 at 02:31
Mr Griffiths
It's my lucky day!
February 2005
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