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Sony 65” XBR 850 DOA (mine)
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Post 1 made on Friday April 27, 2018 at 20:08
Elite Member
June 2007
I just hung my new 65”. It seems to be DOA. The white LED lights up and I can hear the sony music wanting me to go through the menus. But the screen is completely black. Any body got anything I’m missing here? 😭🤬
Civil War reenactment is LARPing for people with no imagination.

OP | Post 2 made on Friday April 27, 2018 at 21:00
Elite Member
June 2007
Well, looks like a 15 minutes power cycle on my whole rack fixed it. Hope it’s not a bad omen
Civil War reenactment is LARPing for people with no imagination.

Post 3 made on Friday April 27, 2018 at 21:30
Loyal Member
June 2005
Not booting up fully out of the box? I would return it.
OP | Post 4 made on Friday April 27, 2018 at 21:38
Elite Member
June 2007
Im thinking that too. But at least its working for the weekend now. I cant return it unitl 21st opens monday
Civil War reenactment is LARPing for people with no imagination.

Post 5 made on Friday April 27, 2018 at 21:41
Loyal Member
June 2005
Yah, not sure what 21st is but for sure that’s a bad sign and if they offer 30 day return or whatever the case may be I would take advantage of that.

Call me glass half empty but I’d just be worried that day 1 past warranty it takes a dump for real and then you get to deal with Sony.
OP | Post 6 made on Friday April 27, 2018 at 22:54
Elite Member
June 2007
21st century. They are the Sony disty for us.

At least I won’t have to stare at a blank panel all weekend like I first thought I was going to have to do
Civil War reenactment is LARPing for people with no imagination.

Post 7 made on Saturday April 28, 2018 at 02:50
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
Just a note:
It actually has been fairly common for me to experience weird things happening on the Sony Android platform when 1st installing them. I've seen the blank screen thing, random reboots, locked up screen, etc.
After everything was finished being installed and all the current updates installed, all the TVs have been fine. So probably nothing wrong with the TV at all.

If however it does anything quarky after you have already done all the updates and finished setting everything up in the menus (like a day later), then I would be a little worried.
Post 8 made on Saturday April 28, 2018 at 09:29
Loyal Member
July 2007
Sony only allows a 2 week return window from the day you are invoiced. Pita. Having issues with a 65" Z9 that was installed past the 2 week period thanks to all the snow storms we had. Have to go through warranty repair on a brand new set. Seriously considering walking away from Sony over their BS. Their service is just as bad as Samsung.
Post 9 made on Saturday April 28, 2018 at 09:50
Rob Grabon
Founding Member
November 2001
Our standard practice.
Open within 24 hours of receiving, burn in overnight, and update, prior to delivery.
No more surprises in homes, and wasted time hanging.
Bad ones are rare, but no more broken in shipping, DOA, update delays, etc during install.
Technology is cheap, Time is expensive.
Post 10 made on Saturday April 28, 2018 at 09:53
Loyal Member
July 2009
On April 28, 2018 at 02:50, Brad Humphrey said...
Just a note:
It actually has been fairly common for me to experience weird things happening on the Sony Android platform when 1st installing them. I've seen the blank screen thing, random reboots, locked up screen, etc.
After everything was finished being installed and all the current updates installed, all the TVs have been fine. So probably nothing wrong with the TV at all.

If however it does anything quarky after you have already done all the updates and finished setting everything up in the menus (like a day later), then I would be a little worried.


I think it’s just Android bugs. I can’t tell you how many quirky things have happened with the TVs during first installation. Plenty of heart dropping moments. I’ve experienced the same thing Fins did, although not that long it was a good 10 minutes!
The Bitterness of Poor Quality is Remembered Long after the Sweetness of Price is Forgotten! - Benjamin Franklin
OP | Post 11 made on Saturday April 28, 2018 at 14:19
Elite Member
June 2007
On April 28, 2018 at 09:53, 3PedalMINI said...

I think it’s just Android bugs. I can’t tell you how many quirky things have happened with the TVs during first installation. Plenty of heart dropping moments. I’ve experienced the same thing Fins did, although not that long it was a good 10 minutes!

The time period was just how long I killed the power and waited to try again. I probably only left the tv on a couple minutes waiting for the screen to turn on. Are you saying if I had left it alone, it would have finally booted up?
Civil War reenactment is LARPing for people with no imagination.

Post 12 made on Sunday April 29, 2018 at 01:01
Long Time Member
October 2016
It's the same old story - unbox / check / update at base, then and only then, take it to your customers.
It's pretty standard fare, but many people find reasons not to do it.
In business no one likes surprises...
This industry is not getting cheaper and cheaper, we're simply convincing ourselves that we have to push the cheapest option to customers.

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