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Introduce yourself!
This thread has 487 replies. Displaying posts 61 through 75.
Post 61 made on Wednesday June 25, 2008 at 22:49
Loyal Member
September 2003
On June 25, 2008 at 21:00, Moe's original BBQ said...
This may come as a suprise, but my name ain't Moe. I
do however respond to that name. Much to my dismay, I
also do not run a BBQ shop.

Only those unlucky enough to sit through my long diatribes
at CEDIA expo dinners and IP party's know the reason it
replaced my handle here and elsewhere 3 or 4 years ago
from a previous and undisclosed screen name.

I own a CI company in a well known Ski area location in
the Colorado Rockies.

I know it's not much of an introduction, but you know,
baby steps. :-)

Sitting threw you long diatribes aren't so bad when you are buying the beer... lol
Can't be any worse than me.
When good enough is not good enough.
Post 62 made on Wednesday June 25, 2008 at 22:54
Tom Ciaramitaro
Loyal Member
May 2002
On June 25, 2008 at 19:07, tweeterguy said...
Font hex colors are cool!

I think my 22" inkjet monitor is running low on ink.
Post 63 made on Wednesday June 25, 2008 at 23:52
2nd rick
Super Member
August 2002
Rick... but not the first.
(inside joke based on another famous Rick from my hometown)

Anyway, I am many things to very few people.

1) Occasional arch-nemesis to Mr. Stanley...

2) Administrator at IntegrationPros

3) Holder of CI titles... (Cedia Professional Designer, AMX ACE, RTI Level I-III, Vantage InFusion, Lutron Ra and HWI, Draper Roller Shades certified, former IASCA Judge, :) etc., etc....)

4) Speaker guy

5) Part-time a*hole (although I turned in my resignation to that title)
Rick Murphy
Troy, MI
Post 64 made on Thursday June 26, 2008 at 00:37
Select Member
May 2008
On June 25, 2008 at 23:52, 2nd rick said...
Rick... but not the first.
(inside joke based on another famous Rick from my hometown)

Anyway, I am many things to very few people.

1) Occasional arch-nemesis to Mr. Stanley...

2) Administrator at IntegrationPros

5) Part-time a*hole (although I turned in my resignation
to that title)

So I can say something mean to you here and I'm okay, but if I did it over at IP you'd wipe me out?

Poor Stanley..he has an arch-nemesis..

Don't you think he has enough to think about like not hitting pipes inside the walls when he's doing a retro than what his arch-nemesis is planning to do to him?

Bill's Electric & Home Theater & Plumbing & Automation & Small Engine Repair, and Animal Removal Services......did I mention we do remotes also?
Post 65 made on Thursday June 26, 2008 at 03:31
Senior Member
October 2006
Edit: I feel that I have been getting spammed from this list. Please do not send unsolicited advertising.
Post 66 made on Thursday June 26, 2008 at 09:39
Loyal Member
September 2003
On June 26, 2008 at 03:31, davenport said...
The first name is Joe. I’m originally from a little lake
in Michigan. Our South Bay beach community is one of
a kind; I hope that I never have to leave. I cannot stand
the cold, but I have a season pass for Mammoth Mountain.
(snowboarder) I have been partially living there during
my lack of free time Nov-Mar for the last few years.

I started my company 5 years ago, I've always been intrigued
by anything that uses power. I left an electro-optical
systems engineering job where I was aiding to the destruction/protection
of the world. Now I make people happy rather than blowing
them up, I like that; a lot.

I'm extremely honest and I love most of the necessary
tasks to keep my company running and clients happy. I
wouldn't even bill people if I didn't have to eat. I've
only encountered one pair of rotten eggs, it's too bad
that I know there will be more.

Learning is more fun than doing, that's probably why I
enjoy hanging out here so much. I'm an information junkie
that is probably addicted to the internet; I check this
site and many others each day attempting to stay on top
of the latest gadget news. I have enough energy for 36
hour days, but I force myself to be in bed by 1am. It's
bed time!

Hey neighbor, I have had a season pass to Mammoth for some 10 years now. There is no other place like it. We gotta get a drink at Whiskey Creek sometime next season...
I already have next years pass :)
When good enough is not good enough.
Post 67 made on Tuesday July 1, 2008 at 11:16
Lurking Member
July 2008
Hi, I'm Mark Davidson, owner of Comtronics Enterprises, llc. A Voice-Data-Video services company in Skokie, IL.. We install and service almost any low voltage system with 34 years in low voltage, communication & security systems, which over the years has incorporated home theaters and cable t.v. wiring as technology progresses...
my email is
Post 68 made on Thursday July 3, 2008 at 09:24
Long Time Member
December 2006
On June 19, 2008 at 18:32, juliejacobson said...
Joe, I'm from San Antonio. Never know who to recommend
down there when friends/family request integration. Are
you good?

I work for one of the only games in town, big store on 281. I like to think I'm good. We deal more with A/V and don't really dab is the total integration like security, HVAC, etc. but we have done some before.
Joe C the Cable Guy
Post 69 made on Thursday July 3, 2008 at 21:35
Advanced Member
August 2006
Jim owner of Snap Audio and Video often confused with the disty Snap AV.

Member of IP

13.5 years of AD service in the United States Marines. Proud that ALL installers are either current Marines or prior Marines. while Rick seems to be shooting rounds at Stan.... I seem to be taking rounds from Patrick...........

On the list of reasons to hate.....

Control 4 dealer
Pro McCain (See prior post)
Pro Gun Control...(meaning... Gun control is hitting what you shoot at! LOL)

OK have a NICE 4th!!!!
"Everything will be ok in the end, if it's not ok, then it's not the end."
Post 70 made on Friday July 4, 2008 at 00:12
Mr. Stanley
Elite Member
January 2006
I thought Arch Nemesis was a compliment...
"If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger."
Frank Lloyd Wright
Post 71 made on Friday July 4, 2008 at 09:56
Long Time Member
July 2008
My name is Mark and I am a CI from the Washington, DC area. Got in this business as an offshoot from a residental construction business about 4 years ago.

We use alot of different brands in our projects. All of the major display companies except Sony (no margin) along with Marantz, Denon, HK, Parasound, Niles, and alittle B&K.

For Speakers we use Polk Audio, Energy, Mirage, Totem Accoustic, KEF, Velodyne, some Atlantic Technology, Niles, etc

For projectors we use Infocus, JVC Pro, Mitsubishi, Optoma, and Panasonic

For screens we use, Dalite and Draper

Our jobs consist of mainly theaters with a couple of zones of audio, but we do the occasional whole house both new construction and retro fit.

I have been programming remotes for a short time (maybe about 6 months) before that our programmer handled all of the programing. RTI and Phillips are our usual suspects with RTI in the lead by quite a bit.

Thanks for having me.
Post 72 made on Sunday July 6, 2008 at 20:05
Advanced Member
June 2008
Hello all! I'm new to the forum. My name's Chris & I'm in Greensboro, NC.
I have an American Studies degree (think history explained through interpretation of literature)...yawn...from UNC. Go Heels! Fresh out of college, I knew had no interest in going into a field that would relate to my degree, so I got a job unloading trucks at the local Circuit City. I definitely started at the bottom. ("No ma'am, this 36" Trinitron will not fit in your CR-X") Then I delivered TVs for NOW! AudioVideo, a small chain here in NC. NOW! was bought by Tweeter, and I became a CI apprentice. I learned a lot, but was hard-headed about being "Tweeterized", and a little over 2 years ago joined a small CI company where my official title might include installation manager, lead installer, project designer/manager, inventory control supervisor, etc. We mainly use Niles, Polk, Velodyne, Yamaha, Sony (TVs), Samsung, & C-4. As for remotes, we (I) do lots of Universal Remotes, mainly MX-850's, but I'm the proud new owner of an MX-980! Thanks for having me!
Post 73 made on Monday July 7, 2008 at 17:05
Long Time Member
July 2005
Hi All

I am Bandar, I know odd name but I am from Saudi Arabia.
some of you know me little but I own custom installation company in Saudi Arabia, we have been doing that more than ten years.
We use SIM2, Knoll, Epson, Polk Audio, Da Lite, Lexicon, Elan, liberty , ethereal, RGB, Stealth Acoustic, Stereo Stone and others.
Most of our work is Home Theaters
I will always be happy to help with PAL Secam issues and DVD regions
Do coffins have lifetime guarantees ?
Post 74 made on Wednesday July 9, 2008 at 14:55
Select Member
April 2007
On July 3, 2008 at 21:35, SnapProductions said...
Jim owner of Snap Audio and Video often confused with
the disty Snap AV.

Member of IP

13.5 years of AD service in the United States Marines.
Proud that ALL installers are either current Marines or
prior Marines. while Rick seems to be shooting rounds
at Stan.... I seem to be taking rounds from Patrick...........

On the list of reasons to hate.....

Control 4 dealer


Pro McCain (See prior post)

OHHH GOD!!!!!!
Pro Gun Control...(meaning... Gun control is hitting what
you shoot at! LOL)

OK have a NICE 4th!!!!
The optimist claims the glass is half full; the pessimist claims it is half empty. An engineer observes that the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

Ps, you can't fix stupid
Post 75 made on Thursday July 10, 2008 at 12:48
Mr. Stanley
Elite Member
January 2006
"If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger."
Frank Lloyd Wright
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