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I need help!!
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Post 1 made on Thursday April 24, 2003 at 21:48
Lurking Member
April 2003
I have a one for all remote# URC-4700B00 and I am trying to program it to a Curtis Mathes tv, and a Gold Star vcr. I have tried all of the codes in the book, changed the batteries, and tried blinking back the code. I am not getting anything except more confussion. Can anyone help please??? In addition to the codes in the book, I've tried the codes that were shown when I tried blinking back the code. Here are the codes that it blinked:
tv -- 0047
vcr -- 0060
Thank you--Sherry
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Post 2 made on Friday April 25, 2003 at 13:31
Senior Member
September 2002
You might want to try asking for help at the One-For-All forum. These guys are "pros" and may consider your request beneath them.
Post 3 made on Friday April 25, 2003 at 14:05
RC Moderator
October 2002
I dont think its a matter of "Beneath" or "Above"

Not a lot of "Pros" use the one for all stuff and therfore may not have the expertise to help in this kind of situation. One for all is more of a cult following, rather than a Professional Application. (I consider myself a "Remote control Expert" but couldnt tell anyone the first thing about one-for-all specifics.)

No disrespect to the one-for-all guys, the things they have figured out with those remotes is fantastic.....

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