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Marantz RC9200 or Pronto Pro
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Post 1 made on Monday April 7, 2003 at 16:12
Lurking Member
April 2003
I can get a new Marantz RC9200 for about $900.00, or the Pronto Pro for around $650.00...
Which should I go with and why????
I'll be controlling DSS: Hughes , DVD:Toshiba
A/V Harman Kardon, T.V. Mitsubishi
Thanks for your guidance
Post 2 made on Monday April 7, 2003 at 16:58
RC Moderator
October 2002
If your going to be programming it yourself, your best bet is the ProntoPro.

The only real differences to an end user is that the RF module comes with a Factory packaged Marantz, and you get a little bit more screen real estate.

Marantz agressivly goes after internet vendors and belives there is a value in buying from a authorized dealer so that you will have someone experienced in service and programming to help you out in the future should something go wrong.

Philips has no such vision......

Post 3 made on Monday April 7, 2003 at 17:38
Long Time Member
September 2002

I second what Impaqt says. If your going to be doing the programming and are not looking to do something overly elaborate, the ProntoPro is the best choice. Marantz doesn't warranty a purchase from a non-authorized dealer. Plus, your paying for the RF Extender when you purchase the Marantz. The RF extender is only good if you plan to use it, but most people never do. My recommendation for the normal consumer is the ProntoPro but if you have the need for more screen space and think that it is worth $250 more and no warranty then the Marantz is your best choice.

Talk to you soon,

Glenn Sheridan
Pronto Programming
I do custom programming over the internet for the Pronto family of remotes.
Post 4 made on Tuesday April 8, 2003 at 14:21
Founding Member
April 2002

If money is the issue then the Pronto seems to be better value however I tend to mainly stick to Marantz RC9200 as the backup service is usually better.

I also find the hard navigation buttons at the bottom of the Marantz are a godsend i.e. you can get all the controls for a DVD player on the one page. You use the navigation buttons at the bottom to navigate the menu.
Its faster and you don't have to look at the screen.

Both are good but I would favour the Marantz.

Take your pick.
Post 5 made on Wednesday April 23, 2003 at 11:31
Long Time Member
April 2003

I have just got a 9200 and think it is great. Once I found the touchscreen software and the huge amounts of icons available it is a doddle to program. The RF facility is a god send as all my audio equip is in a cupboard under the stairs.

Like CMO I'd favour the Marantz

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