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What did you do today?
This thread has 11430 replies. Displaying posts 781 through 795.
OP | Post 781 made on Thursday November 29, 2007 at 01:46
Select Member
May 2005
Flew up to Queensland yesterday to program 2 Pronto pro's on an island, we got another company to install the gear up there prior to my arrival (didn't happen, not their fault, smashed panel and missing mounting gear). Got up at 4 am for the flight and worked through until 2am this morning then had an hours travel back to the hotel. Got up this morning at 5 to catch the flight back to Melbourne. Got home and passed out. The local guys were there till about 10 finishing the install with a hand from me.

I guarantee I'll tell you the truth and I guarantee I'll tell you what you need to know but I can't guarantee that I'll be telling you anything you want to hear.
Post 782 made on Thursday November 29, 2007 at 10:18
Long Time Member
May 2003
Installed basic family room system: Sharp 52 inch with Leon custom height speakers, Denon AVR, DVD, xBox, MX850.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Post 783 made on Thursday November 29, 2007 at 16:44
Select Member
September 2005
Got home late last night after return trip from Flagstaff, AZ (I'm in the Denver area). Project in Flagstaff was incredible. Had a chance to play a role in the world's fourth LEED platinum rated home (soon to be seen on both Discovery and CNN). I was there to program some of the automation and primarily to monitor the home's reclaimed water use and storage. A bunch more to it but I'm not feeling very wordy...a couple of images here. One is the TP in the wall and the other is a mock up in my own home to show the GUI more clearly.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Edited to fix image code...

Last edited by AnthonyZ on November 29, 2007 16:52.
"Just when I thought that I was out they pull me back in"
Post 784 made on Thursday November 29, 2007 at 19:23
Mr. Stanley
Elite Member
January 2006
A friend of mine is the Prez of a company that builds, sells & installs those hi tech exercize machines to health clubs... the ones with TV monitors built-in...

He sent me to a place today that needs 350 (retro) RG59 runs from the mechanical room equipment racks to all these crazy exercise machines.... amplified, tilted -- all the usual.
Runs range from 75 to 350 - 400 feet.

Located on 3 floors old downtown building, but at least there are drop ceilings.
Wants a fixed bid (gulp).

Wants me to start tomorrow.

He has a lot of large installs like this popping up all over the U.S. where a new or existing club installs 250 to 800 of these machines... I'll keep you posted if I hear of any areas that are hot to go... Would be a good foot in the door to sell and hang a ton of Plasmas & distributed audio systems too!

Some of these clubs are HUGE 100,000 sq. ft. plus.
"If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger."
Frank Lloyd Wright
Post 785 made on Friday November 30, 2007 at 01:06
Long Time Member
October 2007
people in nc could use some work!!!!
Post 786 made on Friday November 30, 2007 at 08:20
Select Member
December 2002
On November 29, 2007 at 16:44, AnthonyZ said...
Got home late last night after return trip from Flagstaff,
AZ (I'm in the Denver area). Project in Flagstaff was
incredible. Had a chance to play a role in the world's
fourth LEED platinum rated home (soon to be seen on both
Discovery and CNN). I was there to program some of the
automation and primarily to monitor the home's reclaimed
water use and storage. A bunch more to it but I'm not
feeling very wordy...a couple of images here. One is the
TP in the wall and the other is a mock up in my own home
to show the GUI more clearly.

width="900" src=""
border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket">

width="900" src=""
border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket">

Edited to fix image code...

Very slick interface!

I'm not a pro
Post 787 made on Friday November 30, 2007 at 08:21
Select Member
December 2002
On November 30, 2007 at 01:06, avcsite said...
people in nc could use some work!!!!

My yard could use raking.... :)

I'm not a pro
Post 788 made on Friday November 30, 2007 at 09:09
Advanced Member
March 2006
On November 29, 2007 at 16:44, AnthonyZ said...
Got home late last night after return trip from Flagstaff,
AZ (I'm in the Denver area). Project in Flagstaff was
incredible. Had a chance to play a role in the world's
fourth LEED platinum rated home (soon to be seen on both
Discovery and CNN). I was there to program some of the
automation and primarily to monitor the home's reclaimed
water use and storage. A bunch more to it but I'm not
feeling very wordy...a couple of images here. One is the
TP in the wall and the other is a mock up in my own home
to show the GUI more clearly.


which automation system are you using in this house? What brand is this touchscreen (probably the same as the automation system!)?
Post 789 made on Friday November 30, 2007 at 10:55
Mr. Stanley
Elite Member
January 2006

I'll keep you posted.
"If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger."
Frank Lloyd Wright
Post 790 made on Friday November 30, 2007 at 13:15
SB Smarthomes
Super Member
July 2007
Anthony - Nice looking work... sounds like a fun project!

On November 30, 2007 at 09:09, charris said...

which automation system are you using in this house? What
brand is this touchscreen (probably the same as the automation

Anthony works a lot with Convergent Living... looks like one of thier Companion 8 touch screens.

Santa Barbara Smarthomes
Post 791 made on Friday November 30, 2007 at 23:15
Select Member
September 2005
Yep, Convergent Living Companion 8 touchscreen in the kitchen'ish area. It was a fun project. Gave me lots to think about. I'm in a typical production, suburban home so I'm always looking at ways to "improve". Spent a few minutes foaming the gangs on exterior walls yesterday so I must have been inspired.
"Just when I thought that I was out they pull me back in"
Post 792 made on Saturday December 1, 2007 at 00:49
Long Time Member
October 2007

just last week my rake broke so i decided to head to the mountain for some snowboarding.
Post 793 made on Sunday December 2, 2007 at 20:15
Founding Member
October 2001
friday, we did the House Of Blues in N'Awlins...

Saturday, I did a Harmony remote for the guitar player ad his fiance as a wedding gift. Apparently, it has *high* WAF, so i may do a few more of those (she was teaching him how to use it...LOL)

then, I drove home, 7 hours.

Today, I slept.
We can do it my way, or we can do it my way while I yell. The choice is yours.
Post 794 made on Sunday December 2, 2007 at 21:54
Select Member
December 2002
On December 1, 2007 at 00:49, avcsite said...
just last week my rake broke so i decided to head to the
mountain for some snowboarding.

With only 3 slopes open, and at Apalachian at that, it might be more fun raking!

I'm not a pro
Post 795 made on Monday December 3, 2007 at 16:26
Long Time Member
October 2007
tisk, tisk..... who in their right mind goes to NC mountians. I would have better luck on the sand dunes in front of my house then at BEECH or Sugar!!!! Just for a few hours more you can go to snowshoe west VA. by the way wait for the 3rd picture to come up. I am wearing the chrome goggles, and green coat. my buddy is who went with me is right behind me.
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