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Device database tips, please
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Topic: | Device database tips, please This thread has 2 replies. Displaying all posts. |
Post 1 made on Saturday December 9, 2006 at 13:28 |
Marc Koenig Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | August 2002 51 |
I'm learning my way around the software. I'm starting by using the standard config for single room US. I'm assuming it would work best to start with the provided Activities and adapt these. None of the devices I have are listed in the factory database (e.g. Marantz SR8001 receiver, Marantz DV9600 DVD player, Pioneer 6070 Plasma, SA 8300 cable/dvr, etc). Is there site or download for updating the database? I have gone into the activity property page and selected a brand/model device for that activity that seems most similar to mine. A few functions now work. However, the Code page is still labeled for the default device from the factory config. Is there a way to select a new device and have it substitute all the codes for that device in place of the default? Should I take exisiting code pages for a device and change the name and then learn (replace) the IR code for each function listed on the code page, and make new buttons (and teach/learn those) for functions not listed in the default code page? Thanks for the help. Marc
Post 2 made on Thursday December 14, 2006 at 13:56 |
maison_rouge Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | December 2006 11 |
Hi Marc,
i searched the missing codes at files for Pronto Classic. Then i changed with PEP the file from *.ccf to *.xcf via import. After that i opened the file with PEP and added the codes to MyDatabase (rightklick). Most of them are working fine.
Post 3 made on Thursday December 14, 2006 at 19:02 |
ddarche Mr. RemoteQuest |
Joined: Posts: | February 2002 2,309 |
Just use a device which is close to your model #. Say for instance, for the Marantz SR8100, try the SR7500 or SR8400. Open it and see if it has the functions you generally require. If so, it will usually work fine.
Any specific functions which are critical and not in the database, just learn the last few in.
Dave D'Arche http://RemoteQuest.comFine Home Theater Remote Controls & Solutions - Programming services for most remotes |
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