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TSU9600 and Access Points
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Post 16 made on Tuesday April 9, 2024 at 23:04
Long Time Member
June 2003
Yes, as I mentioned above, I took my Harmony Hub out of retirement and use it with a Harmony API server software so my Pronto can send it commands. I noticed that my Nvidia Shield consumes bandwidth even though it is supposed ti go to sleep when it is supposed to sleep if unused after a predefined number of minutes. But, there seems to be scenarios when it doesn't go to sleep automatically and consumes bandwidth. I could not figure out how to get it to sleep using the Flirc USB stick (other than a long macro of cursor keys and select, which can be unreliable in the long run). But, the Nvidia Shield can be told to sleep directly via a Bluetooth command from the Harmony, so I use the Harmony hub as an IP to Bluetooth translator. Now, I can ensure that the Shield is put to sleep and doesn't consume bandwidth when it's not in use.
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