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Getting into the Philips world
This thread has 18 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 19.
Post 16 made on Sunday January 14, 2007 at 16:49
Long Time Member
October 2005
No, it's a good thing to know the options if somebody would tell him.
In Pambs case, the Pronto would work just fine and so would Crestron.
Everybody here knows that Crestron can do a lot of things others can't, but the question here are if Pambs needs a Crestron setup for his gear, I don't think so. If he had bigger plans I suppose he would have told us.
I would go for the Pronto and used the saved money on some other fun stuff.
Best regards

Post 17 made on Sunday January 14, 2007 at 17:42
Loyal Member
September 2003
On January 14, 2007 at 16:49, hansen said...
No, it's a good thing to know the options if somebody
would tell him.
In Pambs case, the Pronto would work just fine and so
would Crestron.
Everybody here knows that Crestron can do a lot of things
others can't, but the question here are if Pambs needs
a Crestron setup for his gear, I don't think so. If he
had bigger plans I suppose he would have told us.
I would go for the Pronto and used the saved money on
some other fun stuff.

Why is the quote for 8x more than a Pronto then? I am a Crestron dealer and I know their pricing structure.

A TMPC-4x and a CP2E are not even close to 8x that price. Are we including more control in that price structure. A dedicated WAP and some prgramming and we are around double the price.

But with the Pronto where do we go from here at half the price. Say that price included some touchpanels stategically located throughout the house. Here we have full 2 way feedback for alarm, pool control, HVAC, audio servers, and I-Pods to name a few items. Now we are coming up with a solution nearing the 8x the price.

We have not nearly received enough information to discount Crestron from the above equation IMHO.

Why is everybody so afraid of Crestron when they have no idea what their solutions cost.

And what is up with arthur?? Do you feel better now??
When good enough is not good enough.
Post 18 made on Monday January 15, 2007 at 09:33
Long Time Member
October 2005
Nobody has discounted Crestron. Nobody has said they don't like Crestron.
Pambs is asking a simple question, can the Pronto work for me and fullfill my wishes.
And the answer is just as simple, Yes.
If one feels that Crestron is the right way to go, yes then buy Crestron and be happy with that.
If one feels that the Pronto is good enough, yes then buy Pronto and be happy with that.
My point here that you have to make the choice from your needs.
I don't have a pool,HVAC(Live in Denmark),audio server,remote lighting and electric shades.
I just wan't a remote to control my home cinema room and I feel that the Pronto is the way to go for me.
Would I have the Crestron? Yes, of course, but would I have the use of all the possibilities of this system for my home cinema? Probably not.
Best regards

Post 19 made on Monday January 15, 2007 at 20:47
Loyal Member
September 2003
I don't think I ever said the Pronto would not work. It is a cool DIY remote.

Just digging under the surface to see what the poster was looking to do. Like I said the 8x the price does not add up to me.
That comes to about $16k for a remote, does that sound right to anyone here?
When good enough is not good enough.
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