You cannot without relearning codes on the Pronto Remote. Girder uses IR Man which is just a unique number that the IRMan device uses to represent the codes. The only way to convert to Pronto format is to have a PC generate the needed codes and learn them on the Pronto.
Sorry I don't have a better answer. Please also edit the first post and correct the spelling on Girder to assist others with future searches. You might also provide a more detailed subject line such as "Convert Girder Codes To Pronto Codes"
The proble that I have is that I got a PSI PD-1100 HTPC. It is a high dollar dvd player. I have check it out. It uses Windows 98, windvd, and Girder. The remote that comes with it is a Pronto Neo. When I got it it did not have a remote or cables. I was able to get the Girder files off of it. But I have no way to program a new remote. I have a PSP and I can use Pronto codes on a Homebrew program to control it. The only thing that I need is the OEM Pronto codes.
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