My name is Tont Montgomery with Escient Tech Support. I ran across this thread and thought I'd comment.
I have personally tested the TSU9600. I connected 4 different FireBall models to the main menu as a test. I can confidently say that the FireBall E2, DVDM, MX & AVX series work fine --> FOR MUSIC ONLY at this time. It is my understanding that Philips is currently working on the MOVIE module.
So to clarify:
H-40 = not compatible
E-40/120 = not compatible
SE-80 / SE-D1 = not compatible
SE-160i = works fine (thanks for reminder Mal Fisher, AWE Europe!)
E2 series = works fine
DVDM = works fine for Music only at this time
MX = works fine for Music only at this time
AVX = works fine for Music only at this time
Let me know if you are still having problems.
Feel free to email me at tmontgomery_at_escient_dot_com.
Last edited by tmontgomery
on January 11, 2007 16:14.