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Modify System Items
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Post 1 made on Wednesday February 6, 2008 at 20:54
Lurking Member
February 2008
I have searched but cannot find how to modify or edit system items. I would like to change the icons for the wifi, battery and USB. How is this acomplished?
Post 2 made on Wednesday February 6, 2008 at 21:11
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
Search the NG Forum for +replace +battery +icon since dawn of time. The process is the same for PCFs as it is for XCFs. These files are zips and you need to edit and replace ConfigEdit.xml inside the zip.
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
Post 3 made on Wednesday February 6, 2008 at 21:26
Peter Dewildt
Loyal Member
July 2001
Except, that for XCFs, Windows Compressed Folders (and, it appears, WinZip) can't see the files in the zip. Looks like only WinRAR works with XCFs.
Pronto 1000 (retired), Pronto TSU7000, RFX6000 (retired)
Pronto 2xTSU9600, RFX9400
Post 4 made on Thursday February 7, 2008 at 01:48
Long Time Member
August 2007
I use 7-zip, that works too
Post 5 made on Thursday February 7, 2008 at 11:45
Long Time Member
April 2007
I use WinZip 11.1 and have no problems making changes to the system items. I did have some problems with WinZip 10.
Scott Grimes
Liquid Designs
Post 6 made on Thursday February 7, 2008 at 19:20
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
I can extract files with Winzip 11 but had problems putting files back in.

Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
Post 7 made on Friday February 8, 2008 at 13:19
Long Time Member
April 2007
That's very interesting. I made all the system page changes for both the 9600 and recently the 9400 and had no problems with WinZip - extracting or putting the files back in. I am running Windows Vista with WinZip 11.1 (can't say I tried it with WinZip 11.0). Maybe 11.1 fixed this problem. Anyway, I keep the .xcf file open in WinZip while I make the changes to the .xml file using WordPad. I then save the ConfigEdit.xml and drag and drop the file back into WinZip. You will now notice 2 copies of the ConfigEdit.xml in the WinZip interface. You can then just exit WinZip, reopen the .xcf in ProntEdit Professional and delete the temporary bitmaps for your system items and save the file again. If you open the .xcf file again with WinZip, there will only be one copy of the ConfigEdit.xml again.

Hope this helps.

Scott Grimes
Liquid Designs
Post 8 made on Friday February 8, 2008 at 15:11
Barry Gordon
Founding Member
August 2001
The pronto toolset handles this issue but not elegantly, I may put in the ability to bring up the XML file for editing if enough people want it

The toolset properly unzips the xcf and has everytjhing it needs to rezip it. it does not use winzip. It is unzipped when you open the xcf in the toolset and rezipped when you save it. The working directory of the toolset ($work$) in the same folder as the xcf that was opened, has the xml file. you can open it with any editor and save it. When you save it in the toolset it will properly rebuild the xcf even if you have made the xml file non compliant. You won't find out about that until you try and bring it into Pronto Edit.
OP | Post 9 made on Monday February 11, 2008 at 20:30
Lurking Member
February 2008
This worked for me on th 9600. I used the lates version of winrar. I did not edit he xml though. I just "replaced the files". Any side effects in not changing the xlm? Just so it will be in this group too, I found this in the other group:

This is how it's done with the tsu-7000 pcf, i guess it's similar with the 3000.

First you have to insert a batterylevel symbol in PENG. Save the pcf. Close PENG.

Open the pcf with WinRar (You can also use it with WinZip, but I somehow like WinRar better): Right click on the file, select open with... and choose WinRar.

After WinRar has started, mark the file named ConfigEdit.xml and choose extract to folder or something like this (shortcut is ALT-E)

After having saved the file, go to the folder you extracted it to, right click it and select open with... . Choose the editor (I am using WinXP, dunno about the editors of other OS)

In the editor use the shortcut CTRL-F and search for BATTERYLEVELSTATUS.

One line below there is the Dimension entry, should look like that: Dimension 43 9. The first number is the width of the bitmaps used, the second the height. Enter the dimension of your bitmap.

Some four lines below you should see the entry Bitmap id="xx", where xx is a number. The lowest number is the icon for low, the highest number for full battery level.

Close the editor, confirm save.

Drag / Drop the xml file to the WinRar window, confirm overwrite.

Open your favourite graphics editor and create 5 status icons (full / 75% / 50%/ 25% / empty). They all must have the same dimension. The upper left pixel defines which color will be transparent.

Save your artwork under "Bitmap_idxx.bmp" (xx are the numbers found in the extracted XML file - no leading zero) in any folder you like.

go back to the WinRar Window, doubleclick on the folder Bitmaps.

Open the explorer, open the folder where you saved your custom icons. Select all five files and then drag them to the WinRar window. Confirm overwrite.

Close WinRar. Open PPENG and your pcf - voilà there should be a custom battery icon.
A short note: sometimes the custom icons are gone after working with PENG. You may be lucky and can simply repeat all the steps above, but on some occasions the id have changed (the xx numbers).
My advice is to incorporate the custom icons when you are finished with your "normal" pcf.
Do not forget to make a backup of your pcf.
i hope you coukd understand some of my babble,
good luck

Thanks All.
Post 10 made on Monday February 11, 2008 at 22:18
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
You do not have to touch the XCF file if you provide images that were the same size as the original and the same format (PNG, JPG, or BMP). If you change the size or the format, you SHOULD edit ConfigEdit.xml.
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester

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