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What to buy for two Rogers boxes?
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Post 1 made on Monday July 2, 2012 at 23:54
Long Time Member
March 2005
Ok, I have two Rogers boxes (an 8642 and a 3200) both within the same IR range. So I need an IR -> RF -> IR solution for one of the units (likely the 3200, using tinfoil to block the IR on the front of the unit to block signals from the stock Rogers remote). I know the Harmony 890 or 900 is capable of this but the 900 runs for $300 at Futureshop. I also see Tiger Direct has the "Smarthome IR to RF to IR Remote Control Range Extender Kit" for $68.95 which comes at 433mhz and can also be had online at 418mhz (which could be ideal if I add a third box). It seems more reasonable but there isn't a good return policy on this and some reviews are less than optimistic, plus I am unsure if its the newer 'Plus' model or the original unit that had some problems. Does anyone have any other ideas or a GTA solution?
Post 2 made on Wednesday July 4, 2012 at 18:30
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
Don't know about GTA availability, but you could also find a URC RFS200 for under $100 US.

Is there a reason you wouldn't want the same remote to control both boxes (and I mean discretely)?

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