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Comcast 5 Digit Universal Remote and Scientific Atlanta Hd 8300 code
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Post 1 made on Saturday May 14, 2011 at 22:57
Lurking Member
May 2011
The codes listed for the cable box for scientific atlanta are 01877 00877 00477 00008 and none of them work. It wont let me use the search function by hitting setup, then 991, followed by 0 either. Please help me. Ive been looking for hours to no avail. I also tried every other cable box code listed for the heck of it with no luck either.
Post 2 made on Sunday May 15, 2011 at 01:28
Select Member
August 2009
The remote normally is delivered by Comcast with the Cable setup code locked. You can check that by watching the LED.
1) Tap the Cable device button.
2) Hold Setup until 2 blinks
3) Enter 01877 (SA 8300 uses this setup code)
The remote should blink twice. If it doesn't, and instead gives one long flash. then probably the setup code is locked. Unlock it by:
Tap the cable device button
1) Hold setup until 2 blinks
2) Enter 982
The remote should blink 4 times. If it blinks 2 times, do steps 1 and 2 again.

Now try assigning 01877 again.

Oh, and is the OK/Select button red? If it is grey, then the setup code should be 4 digits-- 1877.
Post 3 made on Thursday July 10, 2014 at 21:19
Lurking Member
July 2014
I know this is an old post, but helped me out immensely after searching for about an hour (largely Comcast sites). Thanks 3FG.
Post 4 made on Saturday September 6, 2014 at 12:49
Lurking Member
September 2014
On May 15, 2011 at 01:28, 3FG said...
The remote normally is delivered by Comcast with the Cable setup code locked. You can check that by watching the LED.
1) Tap the Cable device button.
2) Hold Setup until 2 blinks
3) Enter 01877 (SA 8300 uses this setup code)
The remote should blink twice. If it doesn't, and instead gives one long flash. then probably the setup code is locked. Unlock it by:
Tap the cable device button
1) Hold setup until 2 blinks
2) Enter 982
The remote should blink 4 times. If it blinks 2 times, do steps 1 and 2 again.

Now try assigning 01877 again.

Oh, and is the OK/Select button red? If it is grey, then the setup code should be 4 digits-- 1877.

Totally worked for me the first time and took 1.5 minutes. Once I realized I was getting a solid light each time I tried to enter one of the codes it made sense that "Cable" was locked. This is a problem with new remotes and older boxes as the remotes break down but the cable boxes are fine. Older boxes won't automatically recognize the newer remotes.
Post 5 made on Monday December 29, 2014 at 20:24
Lurking Member
December 2014
Received the new box from Comcast today with new remote and had same issue, this post solved everything (After I waited 35 minutes on hold with Comcast) THANK YOU!

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