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TWC 1056B03 Remote for their SA boxes
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Post 1 made on Saturday March 8, 2014 at 19:00
Lurking Member
March 2014

I'm not sure if this is the correct spot to post this but hopefully it is.

I went to my TWC office this morning to exchange the remote I had because the Select button wasn't working that great anymore. The lady gave me a different model remote and not thinking much about it I took it. It was the RC122 model. After getting home I realized that this model didn't have the "Master Power Button" option. I called TWC and the guy told me that I needed the 1056 model remote that does have that feature. I went back to the office and the lady gave me a 1056B03 remote with that feature. But, she said it was coded for a Motorola box, because there weren't any for the SA boxes, and that it needed to be recoded for my SA box. She said she couldn't remember the codes to do it and for me to call TWC tier 3 support when I got home. I did that and the tech had me try four different codes. None of which worked.

The lady in the office told me that the proper code that's needed to do this was not available online but the guy on the phone said they were (and they are, I found them) but that's just one thing that makes me think the lady and the guy were talking about two different things. Everthing on the remote lights up how it should, and it controls my TV fine, but it does nothing with my SA 4742HDC SA/Cisco box.

Can anyone help me out here? TWC seems a bit confused.
Post 2 made on Sunday March 9, 2014 at 14:55
Select Member
August 2009
Either setup code 0877 or 1877 should work.  However, you do need to make sure that the Cable Setup Code Lock feature is disabled.  Otherwise the remote will refuse to change the setup code.

After entering a setup code, the remote should blink twice to indicate that it recognized and changed the setup code.  If it blinks once, that means failure.

Disable the Setup code lock using the 982 Command.

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