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Onkyo RC-707M, Apple, code equivalents
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Post 1 made on Saturday February 22, 2014 at 16:34
das dreHmomenT
Lurking Member
February 2014
Hi board,

I really like the semi-universal remote (RC-707M) that came with my receiver for its buttons and look. Thus I'd like to use it for my Macbook Pro, which is the main way we watch stuff (through XBMC).
As the code list didn't include Apple and it has no learning functionality I hoped to get it working with an "equivalent" code. As the Apple code for several other remotes is the same as for devices by Akai, Cox, etc I tried codes for these manufacturers from my code list, but to no avail. I became quite convinced that "31115" should be the one, but it doesn't work.
3 questions:
Does somebody know a code for the RC-707M that works for Apple's IR-receiver? That would be awesome.
If not, do you know any specific devices that use the same commands as the Apple remote that I could try to program? It could possible help me if you just witnessed the Apple remote control something else.
Do you think I'm completely barking up the wrong tree and just give up if there is no code in my manual?

Thank you very much!

Last edited by das dreHmomenT on February 22, 2014 17:58.
Post 2 made on Saturday February 22, 2014 at 21:24
Elite Member
April 2002
If the onkyo takes 5 digit codes its made by UEI, you might be able to hack via jp1, ask here:

OP | Post 3 made on Sunday February 23, 2014 at 08:19
das dreHmomenT
Lurking Member
February 2014
thank you very much for the suggestion!

My remote does use 5-digit codes.
I checked the battery compartment and there is nothing there to connect sadly. so I guess the JP1 route is off the table.
OP | Post 4 made on Tuesday March 11, 2014 at 06:18
das dreHmomenT
Lurking Member
February 2014
Thank you for listening!

I gave up and ordered flirc ( and couldn't be happier!
So I end this thread with a recommendation for this awesome device.

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