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Updating from Sony's DVD Jukes to Media Server/HTPC/
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Post 1 made on Monday November 21, 2011 at 14:21
Lurking Member
November 2011
I've been using three; well two 985's and one 995 of the Sony Jukes for the past seven years or so now and they have all filled up. I control everything right now with my prontopro tsu7000. (Thanks to those that contributed graphics) Anyways I've been ripping DVD's onto my PC for awhile now in hopes of upgrading into a new system. I don't have the big bucks for a Kaledescope (sp?) system. Last I looked they were way way too expensive. I'm also looking for something with petabytes of storage capacity. Building my own server is no problem. My problem is I am unfamiliar with 1. the best way to network this to my plasma. 2. what software to use...I enjoy the GUI of the higher end products, but I guess I'm wondering where to start. Excuse my ignorance on this savvy, but just not in this niche. Thanks in advance for any help.
Post 2 made on Wednesday November 30, 2011 at 13:23
Total Control Remotes
Super Member
July 2006
My Movies / WMC is always a good option and it's probably the most cost effective.
Post 3 made on Wednesday January 25, 2012 at 01:19
Active Member
March 2009
On November 21, 2011 at 14:21, ccaesar13 said...
I've been using three; well two 985's and one 995 of the Sony Jukes for the past seven years or so now and they have all filled up. I control everything right now with my prontopro tsu7000. (Thanks to those that contributed graphics) Anyways I've been ripping DVD's onto my PC for awhile now in hopes of upgrading into a new system. I don't have the big bucks for a Kaledescope (sp?) system. Last I looked they were way way too expensive. I'm also looking for something with petabytes of storage capacity. Building my own server is no problem. My problem is I am unfamiliar with 1. the best way to network this to my plasma. 2. what software to use...I enjoy the GUI of the higher end products, but I guess I'm wondering where to start. Excuse my ignorance on this savvy, but just not in this niche. Thanks in advance for any help.

I just installed a vortexbox here, and I am enjoying the hell out of it.
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